
The correct etymology for DIANA - Ra at Summer Solstice point

 DIANA comes from Dea/Dia, which became day . It means Light . San Diana became San dz iana > San z iana, celebrated on June 24 - Midsummer day. Mid from Mudsummer comes from MAT (Matria, Orion). Where is Ra (the sun, sara) on June 24? Cancer (Rac/Rock/Rick or Pat/Patra/Patre/ Niatpat ''Nut''), 3rd degree. It clearly has an aspect to Virgo 3, the ECAT for Virgo Matria or Matria Esh.  So, Diana is Ra on Summer Solstice point, 3 ° Cancer. Cancer is ruled by the Moon and this is how the association with the moon started.  The name itself implies DAYLIGHT. And it is celebrated during the day with most light - the longest day of the year. The Summer Solstice Point is 0 ° Cancer, right after the sun exits Gemini (Mat, thus Midsummer). This is the point where DIANA is celebrated. The real sun (sun and son are homophones because they originally were synonyms).  sa became son (Egyptian sa = English son) Sa Re  was originally the sun, and it meant ''daughter of Ra...

Asare (Osiris) and Freyr

 the Finks boast family photos of Asare (the father go a t ) and Freyr (the creator of Elohim). For short, the supreme gods  for Terra.     Asare > Bernard,  Freyr > Fre de rick ( Rock = the Black Sea Deluge timeline c 7.8kya to 7kya). The name itself implies the age of RICK = Rock, Cancer (7kya to 10kya). Freyr de Rick/Rac/Rock. Since we know who killed Asare/Sare/Osiris, Freyr is Seth/ Sata /Satesh/Tesh. Also known as Ptah (Pat He, Pat Hat) or He pat > Hḗph aistos  Sata = snake in Egyptian.  The two grand snakes.  Asare is red (violence) Freyr is blue (sadness, depression) The RED SHIELDS depict Freyr accurately on their coat of arms. As the feather snake (all 3 coming out of the same crown). He is also the blue unicorn. The vulture figure is Jesus (Satan, Odin, Horus).  The vulture, Horus, is Aquila constellation, which is conjunct ...

Troy, Atrei (the Living ones), 3, The Tree of Life, Orion, Deata

 The city of Troy, the Atrei (the Living ones in Egyptian, mistransliterated as NTR or Netdjer) is the same as 3 (three, drei, trei, etc etc) and the Tree of Life that Odin rides. Deata, Matria, Orion. The third zodiac sign, the equivalent of Gemini for Terra. For the record, the hieroglyphs for what is mistransliterated as NTR at AT + Ri. There is no N. The same for ''nefer'. There is no N. The correct transliteration is FRE and since we know the name, it is Freya.  Aten is Odin and also Satan (sa Aten, the son of Aten, meaning the astrological age of Aries). They have the same function as Ares, the god of war. Aries is between (opposition of Ati/Spica) and + circa 24 degrees. The Trojan Horse is the Unicorn, Monoceros - originally the rhino in cave art. I suspect this is the horse Odin rides, because it is close to the 3rd zodiac sign. Neoptolem or Neoptolemus  is depicted riding the same horse, which has seven markings. They denote the 7th grand year. Odin and Neoptole...

Astrology and toponyms

Egypt was Ta Marea Esh (originally Matria Esh, Matria's garden, although this links it to the place of origin - Ardeal) and its original name, Ra Deata > Ra Dea or Ra  Dia (to radiate, to emanate, both linked to Matria, Deata), Atena Esh (the garden of Eden) and Ka Mat (the energy of Mat). Mat is Matria, Gemini and Virgo.  Atena rules Aries - star Sher ATAN is clearly in the constellation of Aries and contains the name Aten (the same as Odin and Satan- the son of Aten). However, Herodotus (not an accurate source) indicates that Egypt was founded by MINA. Ra manat is Orion, Light. Ra manat > Ra mana > Mina (when Ra was erased or inverted to ar/er/etc in all languages) The same evidence was found in Egypt. Matria definitely founded Egypt - Egypt had her name. Even the current Arabic version for Egypt, Masr, derives from Mas/Mes - the birth of + Ra, shoertened to R. Canaan seems to be Ka Anan, the energy of Anan (Scorpio)  Sirius (Asare/Sare, Aesir, Osiris) became ...

Mat is Truth. But are ''myths' truth of fiction?

 Mat, Truth, Light, Order, became  ''myth''. Do myths record truth or are they fiction? It depends. They recorded the truth for the most important events, but they were  modified in time. Myths were altered in time.  Let's explore one myth of creation and trace it to its original variant.  Geb (earth) became 'gi'' in Greek. It still contains the same meaning. However Geb became Gaia and she is represented as a snake in Greek mythology.  Geb is the original version, identical to the Egyptian myth (they have the same origin) and is the equivalent of Sata. Sa = son, ta = territory, but in this context soil. The son of soil, therefore the snake.  It is obvious that Geb was changed into Gaia and Ra Anat or Anat Ra was changed to Uranus. Niatpat (the correct transliteration for "'Nut'', both mean ''night'') represents Cancer (Rock/Rok/Rac/Rick, Pat, Patre).   Ra Anat  became  ''rana'' (wound) and from that w...

The Lionman of Hohlenstein-Stadel or Löwenmensch

First of all, that is MATRIA.  A woman (this planet has severe issues about this) And she is a TIGRESS. The enemy of lions (who are all darkness).   It is fascinating that some KNOW this even in this extremely dark world. The seven stripes on the left shoulder of the statuette indicate 7th era, but also a cult that demanded a certain ritual to be performed for 7 years - the equivalent of solar years for a grand year.  The left shoulder represents Bellatrix = the warrior Queen, the Ruler, the Conqueror. That is Matria herself. So, 7th era, an aspect to Bellatrix. The statuette is dated to circa 40kya, the Age of Virgo (VIrgo on Aries 0). That is indeed the 7th era for Terra. The aspect to Bellatrix narrows down the dating of the statue (the 7 stripes on the left shoulder indicate the aspect to Bellatrix. Ati = Spica on Aries 0. It is easlier to calculate like this. MAT > MAY. The month of May corresponds to Orion (Gemini for Terra, different constellations on diffe...

Sare > Sol > Soul, Sare MAT > Soulmate.The BLACK Sea Deluge, greatest darkness is the answer

 Sare/Asare/ Aesir/ Sirius/ Osiris Sa = son (or daughter)  Re = Light.  Sa Re means daughters or sons of Ra  - a woman, Matria. The name contains RIA (Ra, Re), even in the botched variants found on Terra - Marea (the old version), Maria, Mary, etc. The word ''soulmate'' comes from Sare> Sol > Soul +  Mate (Matria, Mat).  Sare is Sirius, the last star of the first zodiac sign (and the first of the grand year) and Mat is Matria (Orion, Deata, 10, the Ruler). Immense darkness is linked to the Black Sea Deluge (BSDe). Egyptians spoke about it in Sapat Api. The correct transliteration is Sapat Api, not Zep Tepi. It means dug by waters, which fits perfectly the myth, unlike First Occasion, which is absolute rubbish. It is SP TP = SaP aT aPi ...not ZeP TePi ...S, not Z. the letters used clearly indicate, when transliterated correctly, that it is SAPAT API (it is Romanian btw, like its grammar, entire structures. Egyptians were Saka > Saxons and daci > ...

How is the beginning of the grand year calculated in astrology

 For Matria Esh, Gemini is the first zodiac sign and it is from Bellatrix to Sirius. 24 degrees. For Terra, Gemini is the first zodiac sign (the WORD, the beginning) and it is from Bellatrix plus 17 degrees. This appears in Anatolia, particularly Gobekli Tepe, pillar 18, enclosure D and all ''barbar > bar bar > bal bal"''statues. Shigir idol, c 12kya, depicts the same symbolism. With precession, the last star or point of the constellation becomes the first.  So, the grand year for Matria Esh starts with Sirius.  the grand year for Terra starts at Patra/Crea Patra (Bellatrix plus 17) which is currently 7 Cancer. In 72 years or so it will be 8 Cancer, etc etc. The point moves as the stars move. To calculate the beginning of the grand year, one must take the FIRST star of the first zodiac sign (the beginning is ORION) and to count how many degrees have passed since it was on the ECAT (the spring EQUInox point). Ecat = Akhet's correct transliteration.  the EC...

Numbers in art and myths

 17 rhinos = 17th era of Monoceros. Originally it was the RHINO. Currently changed to the Unicorn (nd on the ecliptic of Matria Esh). And since there are only 9 eras here and the paintings far predate the current era, which started circa 7kya or 7.5kya (variations, read below why). So, 17th era of Monoceros for Matria Esh. Not for Terra, which only has 9 eras. Second Coming = 2nd era (a grand return, a grand year of25772 years)    4  Horses = 4th era of Sagittarius.    For short, the number indicates which era a certain event happened.   The legend of St Ana Lake, Romania mentions 8 swans = Cygnus, conjunct Anat Ra or Ra Anat (thus the name of the lake, Anat > Ana) , conjunct Aquarius. For short, it mentions the time the lake formed and HOW.    Santa riding 9 reindeer = a cult that appeared in the 9th era.  Jesus associated with a lamb = Aries.  But the name implies Djed SUS = Orion on MC (either Gemini or Capricorn, because both...

Aesir, Asare/Sare, Osiris and Sirius

 Aesir is Asare/Sare = Sirius.  Si Ra/Re/Ria/Ri = sons of RA, sons of LIGHT (Matria). Aesir (Sirius) ruled by Odin (Ares, Aries, the LAMB - RAM) ..because Cancer (Aesir) has its MC (the RULER) in Aries (Ares is Odin). Aten= Odin = TEN = 10.  The MC for Aesir/Cancer is 10, TEN, Aten/Odin.  the sons of ''god'' was originally the sons (Si) of RA = Si RA = Sirius .  mated the daughters of HAM = man (the snakes) = Capricorn . Sirius conjunct Capricorn . That is 16 degrees BEFORE Betle HAM (code for Bethlehem).   Nashira (Anat Si Ra) conjunct VIrgo Matria ECAT (Nazareth)... Nashira = Nazareth  Born in Betle HEM (Beetle > Betle guese conjunct HAM = Capricorn 3), originated in NAZARETH (Nashira ...MOTHER IS VIRGO MATRIA = Matria ESH) ... Anat is Matria's ''mother'' (Matria created all Light, Anat is only Matria's vessel for incarnation) Because star Nashira (Nazareth) was on the ECAT of Virgo MATRIA (very close to it) when Beetle > Bethe HAM > H...

Amat became OMAT (snow). Amat/Mat and the calendar

AMAT is MAY, Deata, Orion.  As zodiac sign, AMAT is the MC, therefore the WINTER SOLSTICE POINT. AMAT became OMAT (snow) = white, the colour that represents Matria absolutely.  Snow White :)  It simply means that the calendar was the one used by Matria Esh, or it was used in association with Amat conjunct Capricorn = the Winter Solstice point of Terra. Either way, it implies winter. AMAT = winter solstice for Matria Esh. Spring time for Terra.  For Terra, AMAT is the month of MAY (the calender is off by 20 degrees, since the spring EQUInox is on March 20.It should be March 1, the first day of spring and the NEW YEAR, the birth of nature. The 3rd month from SPRING ECAT.  Therefore the THIRD ...THREE, TREE of Life. The word is LIGHT (RA MANAT) and RULES absolutely (Deata is the MC, the RULER). Amat or MAT became MAY.  The name of the month comes from MAT (ria).  MATRIA = MAT + RIA. Mat = order, Truth. RIA = Light (Eternal).  The only colour associat...

Astrology crash course

 A grand year or era, is 25772 years.  One degree of precession is c 72 years.   Astrology is history observed and encoded in symbols, in an attempt to see if there is a predictability factor. So, it can be used as a tool to decode history, especially prehistory.  Astrology has been in use for at least 40k years.  The European script that appears c 40kya (years ago) contains modern constellations, such as Capricornus, Capricorn (the heart shape symbol or the bowl symbol), the Big Dipper, etc etc. It definitely uses the snake (sata in Egyptian) as a symbol. That is Saturn, the snake, the ruler of Capricorn in astrology. The greatest evil. Sata is Saturn with a grand return of circa 29.6 years. References to such years appear in many mythologies.  Egyptian Sed festival is the same as viking Sedr. It means a sitting (SIT> SED) and most likely using astrology to make predictions about the future (although other means might have been employed)....

Amen HAT, Amenhotep

Amen HAT is transliterated as Amenhotep HAT  > AT >> eight = 8 It means 8th era Capricorn.   HAM MAN > Am MAN.  HAM = man (om, uomo, homme) MAN = eternal, masculine form (MANAT is feminine) Amen is Capricorn (HAM). The shape of the constellation of Capricorn appears in the 40k years old script of Europe, and is one and the same as the Egyptian hieroglyph. Mat HAT (Mehit, the Sphinx of Saka Ra) = 8th era Orion Matri ar HAT = also 8th era Orion Pat HAT (such as Patri ar HAT, psi HAT PAT > psychopath) = 8th era Cancer (Rock/Rok, Rac, Rick)

Mat HAT (Mehit) and the pyramid of Unas

 MAT HAT (the name of the Sphinx in the pyramid of Unas) is MATHAT = 8th era of MAT. It is wrongly transliterated as Mehit.  The name itself contains the dating of the Sphinx of Saka Ra =  Saka MAT (Sekhmet) = circa 32k years ago. It definitely commemorates the event (the beginning of LGM). The legend of Saka Mat (Sekhmet), Matria changing into Hat Hera (Not Hathor) Hera = Taurus. So, Saka Mat (Serkhmet) turning into 8 Taurus. That is 32k years ago. And her turning off the power of the sun = the beginning of Last Glacial Maximum. The 3 stripes on Mat Hat's neck indicate A TREIA, THE TREE of life = Gemini.  They indicate the Living One.  The tiger stripes on the Sphinx indicate the true identity of the Sphinx. Matria. Tigress.  ALIEN.  The Empress of the Living Ones. Ramanati. Atrei (not NTR or Netdjer).   The immortals. Light Eternal. White Light. Even the word Emperor or Empress comes from AM PE RA = I have RA (power, authority).  Summe...

The seven days of creation = 7 degrees of precession? It seems so.

From CaeSARE = Sirius to Crea Patra (Sirius minus 7 = Bellatrix plus 17) there are 7 days or  degrees of precession.  Crea (Cleo) patra is the same degree as St Peter (who has the keys of hell) and is the same as MES in names. MES = birth of. CREA = to create (and the slight change, to avoid being so obvious..Crea became Cleo + PATRA = 4)  All cultures claim to originate in Cancer, thus are linked to PAT RI ar HAT = psi HAT PAT  ( Psychopath ) = 8th Age of Cancer  = 7000 years ago - circa 10000 years ago, since the sign has 42 degrees, it means that the so called seven days of creation should be linked to HAT PAT = 8 Rac/Rock/Rick/Cancer.  And since reptiles appeared in art around 7500 years ago ...see VInca and Mesopotamia reptiles in art ...It seems that those are the degrees. Sirius = approx 7500 years ago. There are currently 104 degrees of precession between Sirius and Aries 0.    Sirius = c 7500 years ago. Crea Patra  = c 7000...

Patra, the rock, fourth, father and the origin of most from Terra

 All Germanic populations use TEN (or variations) for 10.  ATEN = 10. If Aten (Aries) = 10, then Cancer = 1.  Which is their origin. RagnaROK = Reign of ROK = Cancer.  The ''flood''. the ''deluge''. The Black Sea Deluge, as Germanic populations originate around the Black Sea area. Astrology is history encoded in symbols. It recorded it, in order to observe patterns.  Patra = the 4th zodiac sign is Cancer, ROK, RAC, RICK Patra =piatra (rock in Romanian) which preserves the symbolism of Peter (Patra, ROK,RAC) being the rock (RAC, ROCK- English preserves this one, too, but it loses the connection to PATRA  Peter and CREA PATRA) .. Crea Patra = the creation of FOUR, the birth of FOUR = CANCER.  Most  worship Ayahe, the moon. They have a moon calendar.  The Moon rules RAC/ROCK/ PATRA/ the fourth sign. it means the father and ORIGIN in astrology.  However their calendars start under 6000 years ago. AFTER the age of Gemini 9.  Their calend...

King Charles' red portrait

 It invokes Patre/Peter (Njord).  It invokes red darkness = aggressivity, violence, fury, anger, frustration. Destruction. Violent death. The butterfly on the right shoulder is Betel geuse .. hinting at Beetle HAM  (Betelgeuse conjunct HAM = CAPRA = the goat = god = MC in astrology  = who rules.) which is the so-called birth of Jesus. the son goat ...the evil one... All that red is energy. Darkness. Violence. That is the so-called ghost ... it appears on the Vatican flag, too. The red rope binding the keys (CREA PATRA) together. It is the energy that binds everyone together in this hell. Entanglement.  Betelgeuse is currently at 29 Gemini. It is applying to the SUMMER SOLSTICE POINT by conjunction.  It signals a new epoch/age.   If you cast a chart for December 25 year 1, hour 0.00, Bethlehem, Isr on, you will see that Betelgeuse was at 1 Gemini. That is Deata > Djed SUS.  Deata > Djed on MC = SUS (above). I use the te...

Apostle = Apostate = Traitor

APA apos means water, watery and it is linked to PATRA = the DELUGE ( the Black Sea Deluge is the most important event of that timeline).  PAT API > pot op (the flood)  Sapat Api, (not Zep Tepi). Dug by waters, not ''First Occasion"'. SAPAT API ...POT API >> potop in Romanian (the language closest to ancient Egyptian, Saxon is next, via the Saka = Saxons. You know..Saka RA...and not Saqqara or Sahara. Sah = Orion) PAT, Patre, like Rac/Rock/Rick = fourth zodiac sign = Cancer. The foundation is Patre (patre > pater > father) = Cancer. RagnaROK. Potop (flood in Romanian).  Apos = watery and it is the link to the beginning ..their origin is the FATHER = PATRA = PATER = the water sign of Cancer.    Apostle and apostate are secretly synonyms. And they both mean traitors. The dark ones, the evil ones.    The 12 apostles represent the 12 stars of their zodiac of evil = darkness.   St Peter's day is 29 June. SARA (the sun) is at  7...

Evidence of astrology in prehistory

 The 40k year old script is astrology. It clearly depicts CAPRA, Capricorn - the shape of the constellation in the script, along with other constellations that are easy to recognise. A lot of modern consrtellations appear in cave paintings in Europe c 40000 years ago and the script is a familiar one, too. This means a cultural continuity  that is uninterrupted to present days. One must compare the Egyptian hieroglyphs to the script, too. Because they are identical, depiste the great time span. One civilisation, one language, one culture. One DEATA (the word deity comes from DEATA and is in  feminine form in Romance languages)    A very dark change can be observed in Anatolia c 12800 years ago (the ''birth'' of violence and highly aggressive males, along with a male cult - Jesus). He is not a peaceful person, he stole the merits and pretends...he is the king of the dead....meaning he is a DEAD ONE ..a mortal ...darkness. Evil.  The horned statues of prehisto...

Aten is Ten - 10 and Odin

Aten was worshipped by many Europeans, which is why all Germanic populations have the word ATEN > TEN for 10.  Aten = Odin.  Ten in astrology = 10 = MC = who rules.  Ragna ROK = the reign of Rac (Cancer), implying their origin is Cancer/RAC (ROCK, Patre, very important associations).  For ROK/RAC/RIC*k(/CANCER the MC is Aries - ATEN = ODIN. Star SherATAN indicates Odin's presence ..Aten. Akhenaten. Satan - the only male with the title SATAN. Look up Constantine on the blog to connect the dots.