Sekhmet is Orion constellation, it's written in the name

 Sekhmet is Saka MAT or SAK MAT

MAT became MAY, the month of May, when the sun enters GEMINI, which is conjunct Orion (the zodiac, not the constellations).

Sak or Sah is Orion's name in Egyptian. 

Therefore Sekhmet is Orion.

Sekhmet or Saka MATRIA, to distinguish between Orion (which is on Matria Esh' ecliptic and is conjunct Gemini) and Virgo MATRIA, which is split in two zodiac signs for Matria ESH. 

Sekhmet is Mat Hat (Mehit), which simply means Sekhmet 8, or MAT 8, meaning the 8th Age of Orion.
MAT HAT (Mehit) is the name for the Sphinx of Giza. 
The myth of Sekhmet (Matria, Mat) turning into HAT HERA (Hathor) depicts the beginning of Ice Age, when Bellatrix was conjunct Aries 0, but not  Anno Mundi 1, which is the 9th great year. Add c 25772 years to this, to get an idea when this happened.

Sekhmet is 3,the 3rd zodiac sign for Terra, 1 being Aries, 2 being Taurus. Sekhmet or MATRIA is ATREIA, The Living One, thus the 3 stripes on the neck of the SPhinx in the pyramid of Unas.

This is important, because she is the SYMBOL OF EGYPT. The RULER. THE MC. DEATA.

The formulas after royal cartouches end with ''May Deata give you eternal life'' 

SAka MAT became Check MATE, too.

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