Serapeum of Saka Ra (Saqqara), Apis bull and Ptah.
Serapis or Sarapis, a
syncretic deity derived from the worship of the Egyptian Osiris - Asare and Apis, the bull.
is dedicated in fact to the Apis bull, dedicated to Ptah - Cancer,
Rac/Rock. Ptah represents the zodiac sign of Cancer and one can see the
so-called APIS bull conjunct Cancer on the Dendera zodiac. The Apis
(waters, the water bull) bull is not the same as Taurus. Two cows (or
bulls) are depicted in the Dendera zodiac - one is identical to Taurus,
the other is on the other side of Orion constellation.
Serapis comes from SARE pat. Pat hat became PAT Ha, then PTAH - the 8th Age of Cancer (7000/7500 to10000 years ago).
Even the name Hephaistos is derived from HAT PAT > HE PAT > HEPHA +the rest of the name.
It indicates the 8th Age of Cancer and he is Ptah for sure, they have the same name and attributes/skills.
Serapis is derived from SARE PAT > SARE PI ...
but it is close to ''sarpe'' (Ro), ''serpens'' (Lat) - snake.
The Apis bull zodiac sign preceedes Orion in precession, for short, the order of events is Apis bull (the water bull), then Orion - the age of Giants/Titans, then Taurus (Hera and Deus > Zeus). The Apis bull ends with ASARE > star Sirius, which is the border between the Apis bull constellation and MAT (Orion).
SARA PAT > Serapis and Apis bull are zodiac constellations, they are on Matria ESH ecloptic and depicted as such in Dendera zodiac.Sara =Sirius, Pat = Cancer.
SA RA or SA RE (Asare, Osiris) is star Sirius, and the Apis Bull and Ptah are linked to that specific zodiac sign, the Apis bull, that starts from star Sirius and is probably around 24 degrees towards Ras Elas Australis.
Ovid's Metamorphoses includes the Apis bull timeline (precession), as it is part of Terra's
Cancer - or Aesir (from Asare, star Sirius). The Apis Bull is delimited
on one side by star Sirius and it is linked to Ptah - the 8th Age of
Cancer. Ovid's narration ends with star Sirius (right before NOAH, the 9th great year started).
Why is it important? Because rails and complex pulley systems to transport heavy loads in narrow spaces were found at Serapeum. Plus the link to Freyr = Ptah = Seth= Satesh, Sata. The blue water snake.
The red water snake is Asare.
The rails were covered by a wood platform, to avoid any questions. Rails linked to something over 7500 years old.
Cancer is a water sign, the timeline of the ''flood'', ''NOAH's flood'' - global rising sea water levels.
The cult of Serapis as an incarnation of Ptah is said to have
lasted for c1400 years (about 20 degrees of precession), from the New Kingdom (c
1570 BCE or1544 BCE) to the end of the PTOLEMAIC period.
PAT RA MAT > PTO LE M(at, May, my)
would coincide with the period when the Sara Api (Serpis) was on MC,
SUS for Matria Esh, and after the timeline depicted in the Dendera
temple plan, which ends c 3672 years ago (with star ATI on Mattia Esh
ECAT or before that, but no more than c 5400 years ago).
Here is a catch - a very important detail. Dendera uses the
astrology of Matria Esh, and clearly calculated the timeline using
Matria Esh astrology, thus the 33 great years featured.
name of the month of MARCH comes from MART, Matria originally and March
1 was aligned with the Spring Equinox and was the New Year (March 1 =
New Year = the current March 20).
So, the ancients, not
only Egypt, seem to have calculated everything according to Matria Esh
...and March was the first month of the year.
There are
several options for the timeline of Serapeum -
01. it is either
Sirius + Apis bull constellation conjunct Aries 0, c 7500 years ago, or since
this is a cult -linked to the MC
02 then Sirius + Apis bull conjunct Gemini 3 (Matria ESH's MC) c 2952 years ago or 28724 years ago or
03 Sirius + Apis Bull conjunct Capricorn 3 (Terra's MC), c 13000 years ago
04. Sirius conjunct PAT/Cancer, similar to Phaeton (Pat Aten, Cancer conjunct Aries), c 11 or 14 degrees of precession ago, which is impossible. In this case, it would be c 27k years ago. Considering the name - SARE + PAT, Sirius +Cancer, Sirius conjunct Cancer, this seems to be the case.
Crea Patra (Cleopatra) and Ka Asare (Caesar, Sirius) are codes for 7000
to 7500 years ago ...the data does NOT match at all (the claim that is
only c. 3600 years old, in use for c 1400 years ...which would roughly
correspond to 20 degrees of precession).
The name itself
indicates the zodiac sign of Apis Bull as seen in the Dendera zodiac,
which starts from Sirius (Asare, Osiris) and is around 20 or 24 degrees.
This is what happens when one erases all history, then tries to pack over 200k years of history in under 6000 years in order to suite their monumental lies.
Besides, what they claim to be Atena and Akhenaten's timeline is for sure 2400 years ago or so (no more than 2500 years ago, with absolute certainty).
Bottom line, when decoding the symbols, one must pay attenton to all details, including the angles of the planet (and the question will remain for now - is it always Matria Esh, or Terra, or both?), the story itself with its many details (Djed SUS means Deata on MC, SUS - but it is used for 2 planets, which have their MC in different areas - Matria Esh has its MC at Gemini 3, Terra has its MC at Capricorn 0 ,but they use Capricorn 3. Capricorn is Matria Esh's 5th house, reproduction, children, creation, creativity, etc.
Djed SUS for Matria Esh started c 2000 years ago.
Djed Sus for Terra (and the birth, Beetle Ham) was c 12800 years ago.
Deata is not the same as Djed..(XX is opposite of XY)
Light vs darkness.
Venus vs Mars
An ka vs darkness (An ka is correct, not ankh, it means ''in energy'', ''in light'')
Life vs death
Deata Matria is White Light = Truth = Life.
Jesus is the absolute opposite.
Greatest evil was born 12800 years ago and it was revived c 2000 years ago.