The Trojan War
The Trojan War is dated to c 3200 years ago.
But Ovid includes it in Metamorphoses which ends c 7500 years ago, with star Sirius > Ca Asare (the energy of Asare - Sirius) > Caesar.
Once Ovid's work decoded, one realises he used precession to tell the story. Castor and Pollux are the Twins, when Rome was founded. So, Rome is over 7500 years old, according to Ovid.
Considering the symbols used, the city of Rome is definitely much older than the current claim - ''
Ab urbe condita'' or ''anno urbis conditae'' must be when Rome fell under enemies.
The myth of the Twins (Gemini) nursed by the she wolf indicates a different timeline than AUC for sure and I do not consider any historian or ancient writer a trustworthy source.
Castor and Pollux are the twins, the city of Rome being declared a city over 7500 years ago makes more sense, with Castor and Pollux rising on Terra's spring Equinox point.
But there is a catch with this - there is one wolf. Ovid's historical account was placed during the 8th great year. HAT PAT or PAT HAT. There should have been something that indicated 8 in the myth of Romulus and Remus, the Twins (a variant for Castor and Pollux, Gemini). There isn't.
It could be Rome was a settlement with a proper name since the 1st great year (thus one wolf), and it gained its elevated status as city 7800 years ago or so, when stars Castor and Pollux were conjunct Aries 0 - the point of Spring Equi(nox), or ECAT (in Eg).
This is not a definitive answer about dating the Trojan War, but it seems that it happened over 7500 years ago.
The city of Rome is definitely much older than the current claim -AUC- and it could be about 7800 years old, if not older.
There is an explanation for dating the Trojan War 3200 years ago or
so - Trojan refers to 3 -Orion/Gemini , the Trojan Horse is Monoceros
constellation (the unicorn used in heraldry).
the best explanation for the entire mess - they erased all history and
had to pack a massive amount of info, even with most history erased,
within less than 6000 years. Terra's history has been recorded for c
212k years= 9 great years. The current great year started c 7500 years ago, with star Sirius, which is the first day of ''creation'' = first degree of ''creation''.