Update on dating the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza
According to the Pyramid of Unas (correct: Oana sa), the Sphinx' name is MAT HAT, transliterated as Mehit. MAT HAT, ''Mehit'' indicates the 8th great year, Age of MAT = ORION.
The great year 8, right at the beginning, as MAT = ORION marks it.
That would place the Sphinx c 32k years ago.
The pyramid of Unas (Oana sa) also depicts the Sphinx with 3 stripes on the neck - not only indicating 3 = TREI = A TRAI (NTR is a wrong transliteration, it is A TRAI, not ''nedjer''), the Living One, but also a TIGRESS. The Sphinx has tiger stripes sculpted. The Nemes headdress worn by all Rulers of Egypt and featured on every mortuary mask, also has stripes - white and blue, because Egyptians never used black when depicting the Living One, since black is the symbol of death.
The pyramids are conjunct the Sphinx. According to local folklore, they were built later.
The pyramids represent the 3 stars of Orion's belt and the middle one has Freyr's name on it - KA Fre, the energy of Fre > Freyr (Ptah).
The layout of the Sphinx and the pyramids indicates a great alignment, when the stars were conjunct their zodiac counterparts. The most recent one happened c 1300 years ago, when Bellatrix was conjunct Gemini 3. The pyramids are obviously older than that.
We must add a great year - 25772 years and we get the timeline of the pyramids, too.
Every detail counts and must be considered when trying to date these monuments.
It was Freyr who disfigured the Sphinx apparently - he is Sata, Seth, Ptah, the blue snake.
Narmer Palette and Palermo Stone depict him as ''Tesh'', Satesh is Seth's name in Egyptian.
So far, it seems that the Sphinx is c 32k years old and the pyramids are c 27k years old.
Mat is Orion = Bellatrix + 10 degrees, DEATA = 10 (days = degrees, but also the 10th zodiac sign for Matria Esh).
There are NO TIGERS in Africa. There have NEVER been tigers in Africa. This settles permanently WHO built the Sphinx and the pyramids. Europeans of mostly Germanic descent, Daci > Deutch, Dutch and Saka > Saxons, and the genes of ancient Egypt prove this.
Saka RA, SAH = Orion, comes from Saka > Saxon.
Europeans from Dacia and Anatolia (Capat Dacia > Cappadocia), who spoke a Romance language mixed with lots of proto-Germanic words (such as hede - white, bee, Saka > Saxon, etc etc) build Egypt under Matria's reign. She is RA MANAT, Light Eternal, which became MINA, when the Romans and the Greeks started to eliminate particle RA from language.
Matria Atena Atiati Freya is the Sphinx, and there are lots of artworks that depict her as the Sphinx.
The word for PYRAMID in Egyptian was MAN FRE - beatiful eternity. The city of MANFRED (Memphis) was definitely linked to the pyramids . Yes, MANFRED is the ,correct transliteration of the name of the city credited for building the Sphinx and the pyramids, who worshipped Saka Matria (Sekhmet) and Ptah (Freyr, Seth, Satesh, Hephaistos)
The word PYRAMID seems to be made of PATRA > PYRA + MAT > MID.
Patra conjunct MAT is close to the great alignment indicated in the layout - the Sphinx is conjunct the middle star of Orion's belt, indicating indeed the aspect contained in PATRA MAT > PYRA+ MID > PYRAMID.
I will not go back and update the posts linked to discussing the dating
of the Sphinx, They represent stages of analysing the available information .
The Adamic population is under 2300 years old. The first of their kind
attained a human appearance 2300 years ago - Adam. They couldn't have
built anything. Civilisation already existed. Language existed.
Technology existed.
Now let's play a ''guess who erased civilisation and history'' game.
Also, let's answer the question, ''If they erased a civilisation with technology and destroyed most evidence, but kept the technical documentation secret, then made it look as if they invented it, did they, really?''
And another question. ''If electricity and the light bulb existed over 70k years ago and the knowledge of it was on Terra for sure c 3700-5300 years ago - see Dendera, did anyone on Terra invent anything?''
And another one '' How is one called when one deliberately takes someone else's work and inventions and puts his name on it?'' And also destroys the evidence of the original inventor?
Terra had a modern civilisation c 2400 years ago.