The Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük
The Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük
Isis (or Eses, as found on Tartaria clay tablets and which is likely the proper transliteration of the Egyptian hieroglyphs), the Moon, identical
with the female figurines dubbed as 'Venus'' of prehistoric Europe. That
is Isis, The Moon, the ruler of Cancer ( Pat, Niatpat > noapte,
night, notte, etc, ROCK, Rac). Niatpat is wrongly transliterated as ''Nut''.
She sits on Matria's
throne - Orion, Terra's equivalent is Gemini, the Twins. That would be
the constellation of Cancer conjunct Gemini 3.
constellation of Cancer is from Sirius minus 7 degrees to c Ras Elas
Australis. Thus the 42 body parts of Asare, which are degrees. The 42
body parts of Asare appear at Gobekli Tepe, enclosure D, pillar 18 -
which represents Orion.
The earliest time when the statue could have been made is Ras Elas conjunct Gemini 3.
Elas is currently at c 21 Leo. From Gemini 3 to Leo 3 there are 60
degrees, then we must add the remaining ones. In total, there are 78
degrees x 72 years per degree =
That is the MAXIMUM the statue could have been made.
Unless it is from a different great year, in which case, we would add 25772 years. But I doubt it is older.
represents the great year 33.6, which appears marked at Dendera (which
is over 3672 years old, but no more than c 5400 years old). Anatolia
means ANAT RIA, The Age of Aquarius for Matria Esh, c. 12800 years ago,
when Beetle Ham (Beethlehem) was happening.
Absolutely all the evidence in Anatolia indicates the cult of Jesus.
The seated woman is NOT MATRIA.
It is the Moon, Isis, who is originally Horus' mother, while his father is Asare/Osiris (star Sirius and the Aesir = Cancer).
Moon sits on MATRIA's throne (TIGRESS, it's funny they state lioness,
other species, but never TIGRESS, even if tigers went extinct in
Anatolia in the 1970s!). The figures have STRIPES sculpted on them, like
the Sphinx . At least the ones from Saburg (Sayburc), the SON'S CITY,
have stripes sculpted on them...
Crash course on felines - only TIGERS have STRIPES. Not lions, leopards,etc etc.
a question - do you trust the ones who ignore the evidence of STRIPES
on the Sphinx or any other sculpture and tell you it's a lion or
leopard? Or wolf. Or whatever other rubbish. If they can't get the
species right, do you really think they'd get the dating right?
The seated woman is the figure they used as Jesus for the Olympic games ''Last Supper'' scene.
were telling a secret - the timeline for the ''Last Supper'' scene was
the Age of Cancer and the original cult was that of a woman. It was a
fertility cult, considering the EASTER EGGS.
I mean come on. ...EGGS...since WHEN do males lay eggs?
right, Terra, the planet where males have periods and need free tampons
from taxpayers' money and people are told males can get pregnant and
breastfeed (as in producing milk). Thus the eggs associated with Jesus.
Because he can lay eggs.
He must be a chicken, then.
Or a vulture.
Oh, wait. Horus is represented as a vulture, like Isis...