10 in Romance and Germanic languages comes from astrology, but different timelines
Deata = 10 in Romance languages, which means DEATA, ORION is the MC in astrology. That means the populations formed during the Age of Virgo. Virgo's MC is Deata, Orion. Or that the number is linked to that timeline.
ATEN became TEN in English. That means the MC in astrology, therefore Aries = Aten = 10. That means 1 is Cancer, so the populations or the language formed during the age of Cancer - most likely Cancer 8, HAT pat or pat hat. Or it could mean the number is linked to that timeline.
Alternatively, it might indicate who they worshipped.
Romance languages are linked to Deata > 10 (zece, dieci, decem in Latin)
Germanic languages are linked to Odin, Aten > TEN.
A special remark, ten in Hebrew is esaer (transliteration), from Asare, Sirius.