MATRIA became the word:
MOTHER in English
MUTTER in German
MADRE in Spanish and Italian (but Mater in ''Latin'')
mitera in Greek (transliteration).
Slavic languages use MAT for ''mother''.
uses MAT MAT > MA MA, > MAMA, a word used in the rest of languages, too. It
is Egypt's dual plural, such as territory - te Re + te Re, MAT MAT >
Ka Mat = the energy of Mat > chimia, chemie, chemistry (and also alchemy).
Dea Matria > Djea Matria > Geometry.
MAT > MEDic, MEDicine -- ic = diminutive suffix.
= Spica, grains, because Matria taught everyone agriculture and
domesticated animals. Thus the Potnia Theron female figures.
- the patron of inventions, because she was the inventor herself. The
one whose contribution is absolute. Civilisation would not exist without
Matria Atena Atiati Freya.
Matria became MOTHER in all languages, because she created White Light and civilisation.
Matria used the symbol for FREYA 5 times in her name 2400 years ago.
FREYA comes from FRE, which is identical to English FAIR = beautiful, white, honest, good in both languages.
In Egypt, the absolute superlative was 4 identical symbols (such as ''king of kings'' written with 4 bee symbols).
used 5, above a superlative absolute, because she is above all. Fairest
of all - which is what the religious term of ''Immaculate at Heart''
means - the most pure at the core of the soul. The most pure White
Light, the Energy of Creation herself.
The only one who has the power of Life = the energy of Creation within. It is with that energy she created all White Lights.
FRE, Freya x 5 times means Most Pure White Light, fairest of all, most beautiful, above all.
Matria - the one who judges. The True Ruler. The one who is Cosmic Order herself. That is why Virgo Matria (Fortuna is her) holds the scales of Libra - the judgement. Matria is also the law-maker. Her most sacred law was MATRImony.
Matria is Law and Order, Justice that is not blind, I assure you.
Minerva is an inverted RA MANAT. ''Va'' is added, a possible link to Vanir and ''via'' (the Living One).Minerva became MINA (Herodotus and the claim that MINA foinded Egypt).
Juno is the month of June - Summer Solstice, RA at Summer Solstice point, the same as ''Diana'' (from DEA/DIA = light, day, daylight).
Plato only spoke about ''the goddess'' - meaning ONE, a unique one - Atena, to whom he dedicated his school, in the city dedicated to her, too.
RA ATENA became ''RATIONal''