Update on Serapeum. It seems it is c 27k years old.

 Serapeum, SERAPIS, Sare > Sirius + Apis Bull constellation (which is conjunct Cancer) conjunct Cancer (Pat).

For short, a great alignment between stars/constellations and their zodiac counterparts or around that timeline.  Cancer conjunct Cancer. Sirius conjunct Sirius or the area close to it.

Sirius is currently at Cancer 14°. So we can absolutely rule out the current timeline, it would mean it was just made in the past 14° or so degrees of precession or  11, if the aspect is calculated to Matria Esh Ecat.

Serapeum - Sirius  and APIS bull conjunct Cancer - this seems to be  the code /aspect contained within the name, which indicates a great alignment, similar to the Sphinx (MAT, Matria, Orion) conjunct Orion's belt stars. For short, Orion conjunct Orion, a bit off, since it's the middle star, named  Kafre (the pyramid's name, Ka Fre > Freyr's energy).The Sphinx'  name is Mat Hat or Mehit, which means the 8th great year of Mat (so that dates the Sphinx to c 32kya) but the pyramids were built later - during the great alignment, so that is around 27kya.

This means that Serapeum is c 27k years old! 

The name indicates Sare = star Sirius conjunct PAT = PTAH and Apis the Bull, Sirius is Aesir,Asare, the same as PAT (both Asare and Ptah are linked to the same constellation - Cancer, the first c 20-24 degrees of it, starting with Sirius). The more recent aspect was c 1300 years ago, so we can absolutely rule it out. 

This code is consistent with Phaeton = Pat ATEN, Cancer conjunct ATEN = Aries 0, the Age of Cancer  Over 7500 years ago.

Or Sarmisegetusa = star Syrma conjunct Sagittarius,  C 23k years ago.

Or Beetle HAM = Betelgeuse conjunct HAM/Capricorn 3., c 12800 years ago.

If one wants to calculate how old are the pyramids, considering the aspect is really depicted in the conjunction between the Sphinx (Mat HAT) with Kafre's (Freyr's) pyramid, which represents Orion's belt middle star, Alnilam, it is most likely Bellatrix conjunct Gemini 6. It is just a bit off the great alignment (3 degrees). Orion conjunct Orion, MAT HAT = MAT 8th great year. 

Sirius is the entry point into PAT = Cancer, so Serapeum is a similar conjunction, Sirius conjunct Cancer, but Apis bull specifically (Sirius + 20 or 24 degrees, no more). For short, the pyramids and Serapeum date from the same period - the great alignment between constellationa and their zodiac counterparts. 

The most recent one was circa 1300 years ago (Bellatrix conj Gem 3). To this, we add a great year +  25772 years and we get the timeline the pyramids and Serapeum were built.

This map explains a lot of history, a unified culture with unified language that remained intact for a long time and expanded towards Anatolia, too. What is marked with pink on the map is the cradle of civilisation.


It is linked to 20kya, LGM. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Last_Glacial_Maximum


 Egypt was founded by Matria herself c 32kya, when Ice Age started. Egypt's beginning is linked to Hatmehit, Hat Mat hat, for short the 8th Era of Mat (Orion). The beginning of Ice Age is depicted in the myth of  Sekhmet turning into Hathor = Mat Hat turning into Hat Hera,  Mat 8 turning into Hera 8, the beginning of the 8th Age of Taurus.

The 33 dynasties of Egypt are code for 33 great years - as seen at Dendera. 

Parthenon =from  PATRE ANAN = Cancer conjunct Scorpio (ANAN). This seems to be the correct etymology. The name includes the timeline it was made, of course. That seems to be somewhere around 17k years ago.

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