
Showing posts from December, 2024

The grand alignment or ''when all stars align''

When Bellatrix is conjunct Gemini 3 (which is Bellatrix in the fixed zodiac)  It is when all stars are conjunct/ aligned with their zodiac counterparts.    Imagine the zodiac as the frame of a clock or watch. It never moves. It is aligned with the Equinox and Solstice points (Aries 0, Cancer 0, Libra 0, Capricorn 0). Then the stars move across the zodiac = precession. They are like the tongues of a watch/clock.   Gemini 3 = MC of Matria Esh = SUS  Capricorn 3 = MC for Terra = SUS for Terra.  Virgo 3 = AC, the ECAT of Matria Esh (Matria's garden = world). Aries 0 = the Ecat of Terra. = the AC  Bellatrix is currently at 21 Gemini (due to precession ,it moves across the zodiac) That means the grand alignment was 18 degrees of precession ago. 1 degree of precession = aprox 72 years.  That's circa 1296 years ago. This chart depicts the approximate time the great alignment happened, around year 723 CE (current era).   The AC is conjunct Aries 0 - t...

Constantine = Ka an S4T4N TEN = energy in S4T4N 10

 KA AN S4T4N TEN  energy in S4T4N TEN  It means 10 degrees (circa 720 years)  after SHER ATAN was on Aries 0.  Sheratan was on Aries 0 34 degrees of precession ago.  34 x 72 years = circa  2448 years ago. Constantin and year 310  = circa  1714 years ago  2448 - 1714 = 734   = c 10 degrees of precession or 7 centuries later.  TEN is from ATEN and it really means 10 (the MC) for the ones with the origin in Cancer(Rac, Ragna ROK ). The ones born out of the sons of RA (SIrius) who mated the daughters of HAM (snakes). Vinca and Mesopotamia statues that depict such creatures are dated to circa 7500 years ago. Aries is the MC (10th house) for everyone who uses the MOON as symbol, because it is the moon that RULES Cancer (Rac/Rik/Rok, variations). They originated in era 8/9 (the end of 8th, the beginning of 9th).  Immense darkness is associated with BSDe and Sirius (9th era). SIRIUS conjuncr Aries 0 = the mating.  it is rig...

Dendera, 666 and sacred geometry (Gematria = Deata > Dea > Dje Matria)

  6...6....6 HAM ... CAPRA = goat and  ..SATAN .. Santa is SATAN ..(anagram) Santa is Djed SUS (Djed above= MC) . Djed = Orion and the Djed pillar = stars Meissa and Alnilam (the head andthe middle star of Orion's belt)  Santa has 9 reindeer =  9th great year.  The  two snakes have NINE tongues on V4TIC4N flag, indicating the same great year- 9.    Dendera layout.             3 + 3 statues on the facade  Great year 33 Together, they make 6.  So, 33.6  33 eras = 33 grand years x 25772 solar years. The first hall has 24 columns = 24 great years. .There is a marking between 3 and 4 because Matria started to expand her civilisation (which was solely on her TERRITORY from TE RA TE RA).  The second hall has 6 columns. great year 25 for Matria Esh = great year 1 for Terra.  Great year 30 for Matria Esh = great year 6 for Terra.   sasa, thus viking SessRUMNIR -  era 6 Ramanat=Deata=O...

Sasa RAMANAT = Sess RUMNIR = 6 ORION (the equivalent of Gemini)

 33 RAMANAT or DEATA started when Sirius was conjunct Virgo 3 degrees).  It ended when Bellatrix was at VIrgo 3. That was c 20kya.  33 is the equivalent of 9 here, but the 9th era started under 6000 years ago.  6 Ramanat means 30th era for VIrgo Matria or Matria Esh ...   Freya (Matria) won..she has the necklace with the symbol ...   And now go check the V4TIC4N flag ... there are 2 snakes on it. The father and son. 3 crosses (DEATA, Orion) each .   3 3 (era 33)   3 plus 3 = 6. It is a complex code ..Sess RUMNIR ... but also the similar code of Dendera (the facade has 3 plus 3 statues ..together they make up SASA (Egyptian) Era 33.6 (Djee sus's age when he dies ...That is when he is also born = Beetle HAM  The beetle symbol is read CAPRA ..not Khepre :)  And you can read it as beetle, too . Sasa Ramanat was c 97kya for Matria Esh and c 83kya for TerRA  Gemini = the beginning of the grand year (starting with Sirius and ending with Be...

The Sphinx is MAT HAT - MATRIA during 8th era of MAT /Orion(Gemini)

 The Unas (Oana Sa, son of Oana, a feminine name) pyramid indicates the name of the Sphinx as MAT HAT (MEHIT is really transliterated MAT HAT ). Tut's pectoral (actually the tomb is Matria Atena Atiati Freya's) also indicates MAT HAT (all SekhMAT >> MET statues depict the Sphinx). Look up ''Tut's pectoral with Sekhmet and Ptah"' It indicates 8th era (the 8 spheres at the bottom) In the  pyramid of Unas, MAT HAT (Mehit) has 3 stripes on the neck  That indicates TIGRESS and also 3 is plural in Egypt .. it is alsoA TRAI = to live at TREI = Gemini = DEATA = LIGHT ETERNAL (RA MANAT means RA ETERNAL in feminine form). 9th era is between c 7500 years ago to c 6000 years ago. For 9th era, we must add 25772 years (a grand year). That is when LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM started. It fits the legend of Sekhmet (Saka MATria) turning into Hat Hera (not Hathor) and diminishing the power of the Sun (SARA).  That is precisely when LGM started.   The Sphinx of Saka Ra (Saka b...

The zodiac and precession

 The zodiac is aligned to the ECAT (the point of spring EQUI nox). That is Aries 0 degree, a permanent point. All zodiac signs have 30 degrees x 12 = 360 degrees.  But the constellations that make the zodiac are not 30 degrees. They vary significantly.  How to calculate precession. Go to and create a chart,add the stars that contain significant names (that were decoded as meaning or linked to actual events). For example '''When was SherATAN on Aries 0?"' which is how we calculate precession. We bring the star/constellation to Aries 0 (and make sure you move in the correct direction). SherATAN is now listed at 4 Taurus. It is 34 (4 degrees from Taurus plus 30 of Aries) away from Aries 0. Then we calculate how long ago that was. Each degree of precession is circa 72 years. Multiply the degrees (34) x 72 years.  Another example. 72 '''virgins'' which means 72 degrees from Virgo 3. I could move in both directions with such a calculation, ...


 The ninth era starts with the Noah (NOUA= 9) ''flood'' (global sea levels rise)  At the beginning there was the WORD = GEMINI in astrology. GEmini is the first zodiac sign ..the beginning.  It starts with SIRIUS - the aprox location of the BLack Sea Deluge (the Black Sea = the gates of hell for the Greeks) And it ends with Bellatrix. But here they modified the sign and reduced it by 7 degrees...therefore Sirius minus 7 .. Or Bellatrix plus 17 degrees.  Precession goes backwards the last degree of the sign becomes the first with precession. Sirius = first degree of Gemini (Deata) and Bellatrix, which is the entry point, is the last degree.  The BlackSea Deluge started when Bellatrix was at 3 Pisces ..on  the DC of Matria Esh (VIrgo 3). The Black Sea deluge started with a major earthquake. Ballard et al paper dates it to c 7500 years ago based on when salt water molluscs appeared and the fresh water one vanished. But the BSDE happened a bit earlier....

HAT > at > eight and the 8th grand year (great year). C 32kya to c 7kya.

 MATRIA r HAT = Matria 8 (,great year) This is either Gemini or Virgo (usually named Virgo Matria, to avoid confusions) ..the 8th great year - c 32.7kya to c 7kya. MAT HAT = the same as above.  (Mehit) PATRIA r HAT = Cancer  8 . In astrology, the IC =the father (PATRA >> PATER > father)  PSI HAT PAT = Cancer 8   Pat Hat became Pat He, then Ptah . Amen HAT = Amen hot ep   = Capricorn 8 Note  In astrology, the 8th sign means DEATH ... HAT = 8, the great year of DEATH .. The 8th great year started 32kya, when the Last Ice Age started (Last Glacial Maximum). A massive extinction event occurred between 32kya to c 6000 years ago and beyond, which means 9th great year is also included. LGM was followed by  the so called Sapat Api (not Zep Tepi), or PAT API >> POT OP (the flood, but clearly linked to NOAH  - NOUA, NINE, NOIE)  Pat = Cancer = Rac/Rock/Rok/Rick (variations)   Sapat Api (not Zep Tepi) means...

Astrology and precession in HISTORY

 It is always the STAR or constellation conjunct a zodiac point. Mes o PAT AMAT >> Mes o POT AMIA  Pat = Cancer (from Sirius minus 7 to Ras Elas)  AMAT = Bellatrix plus 17 degrees  (Matria Esh uses plus 24 degrees = to Sirius) Sarmi Segetu sa = star  Syrma conjunct Sag (3rd degree most likely ..although the sign has, like all fixed zodiac signs, 30 degrees) Beetle >>> Betel geuse  Beetle >> Betle HAM > HEM The beetle = CAPRA in Egypt (not Khepre) HAM in Egypt is the shape of the constellation of Capricorn. HAM >>> am >>> om, uomo, homme (man in Romance languages)  goat = god because the MC is in Capricorn  = the sea goat.  So, again, a star is conjunct a zodiac point ..and we know exactly which point for this specific aspect - it is Capricorn 3.  Betelgeuse conjunct Capricorn 3 is WHEN this happened.. The origin is NASHIRA (which is originally Anat Sare became Nazareth) and 12800 years ago, ...

Astrology and precession employed for TRUE HISTORY

 Mesopotamia When was it really? Because astrology and precession are employed. Mes = birth of (like CREApatra > Cleopatra) PAT = RAC/RIC/ROK (RagnaROK = reign of RAC = Cancer), Cancer (the constellation) AMAT or MAT became MIA. Amat = ORION (Gemini)  So, constellation conjunct fixed zodiac (Orion/Gemini 3 in this case). The birth of PAT conjunct AMAT  PATRa = check St Peter ...birthday 29 June. RA or sara (the sun) is conjunct 7 RAC/Cancer (Bellatrix plus 17 or Sirius minus 7 degrees ...because this point will move across the zodiac due to precession). SO, we have a specific degree. PATRA = Bellatrix + 17 = Sirius minus 7 (currently 7 Cancer/RAC/RIck/ROK)Patra also means FOUR (fourth) and Cancer?RAC/ROK/RIK = 4th zodiac sign from Aries (which is the ASCENDANT for this planet, the ECAT = point of spring equinox) So, the birth of PAT conjunct MAT (Orion, Deata, Gemeni from Deata MANAT > Djea mana)  Rac 7 is 97 degrees of precession from ARIES ..but that is not t...

The grand year or ERA (from HeRA)

 A grand year or ERA = c 25772 years.  1 degree of precession = c 72 years.  Hera > ERA  (H became aspirated, then silent) HE = eternal (similar to MAN, MANAT)  

Matria Atena Atiati Freya

  Matria Atena Atiati Freya   Present when star SherATAN was conjunct Aries 0. That is 34 degrees of precession ago.  Name then:  ATENA FREYA FREYA FREYA FREYA FREYA  ATIATI  MATRIA Empress of RAMANAT (light, lumina) = ATREI (the Living) = White Light = Truth  = Life. Deata = 10 = Orion= MC for Virgo Matria (Matria Esh= VANir = HeaVEN (Van = Ven) RAI, Atena Esh > Eden).  3=Trei/Three/Drei, etc =ATRAI= TREE of life = GEMINI (third sign from Aries = the ECAT (not Akhet) of this world).  Creatrix of civilisation and all Light- everything that is good. Ample evidence in ''myths'' (from Mat > Truth) and language (Mat Mat, Geometry, Ka Mat > Chemistry, etc etc). UNIQUE writer of the BOOK OF LIFE. Unique coder/programmer for Life.exe. ''Neferneferuaten Nefertiti'', ''Smenkare'', ''Nefertiti's bust'', ''Nefertiti's real name'', ''Nefertiti's original bust'', ''accurate ...