The grand alignment or ''when all stars align''

When Bellatrix is conjunct Gemini 3 (which is Bellatrix in the fixed zodiac)

 It is when all stars are conjunct/ aligned with their fixed counterparts. 


Gemini 3 = MC of Matria Esh = SUS 

Capricorn 3 = MC for Terra = SUS for Terra. 

Virgo 3 = the ECAT of Matria Esh (Matria's garden = world). The AC

Aries 0 = the Ecat of Terra. = the AC 

Bellatrix is currently at 21 Gemini (due to precession ,it moves across the zodiac)

That means the grand alignment was 18 degrees of precession ago.

1 degree of precession = aprox 72 years. 

That's circa 1296 years ago.

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