Astrology and precession in HISTORY

 It is always the STAR or constellation conjunct a zodiac point.

Mes o PAT AMAT >> Mes o POT AMIA 

Pat = Cancer (from Sirius minus 7 to Ras Elas) 

AMAT = Bellatrix plus 17 degrees  (Matria Esh uses plus 24 degrees = to Sirius)

Sarmi Segetu sa = star  Syrma conjunct Sag (3rd degree most likely ..although the sign has, like all fixed zodiac signs, 30 degrees)

Beetle >>> Betel geuse 

Beetle >> Betle HAM > HEM

The beetle = CAPRA in Egypt (not Khepre)

HAM in Egypt is the shape of the constellation of Capricorn. HAM >>> am >>> om, uomo, homme (man in Romance languages) 

goat = god because the MC is in Capricorn  = the sea goat. 

So, again, a star is conjunct a zodiac point ..and we know exactly which point for this specific aspect - it is Capricorn 3. 

Betelgeuse conjunct Capricorn 3 is WHEN this happened..

The origin is NASHIRA (which is originally Anat Sare became Nazareth) and 12800 years ago, Nashira was close to Virgo 3 = the ecat of MATRIA ESH.

ECAT = point of spring EQUI (nox) 

Not ''akhet''. 

It appears at Gobekli Tepe, enclosure D.

TREI (THRE, DREI, ETC) = TREE OF LIFE and it is linked to Deata (Orion, Gemini), the third zodiac sign..

Odin spends 9 years hung upside down in the TREE (= 3) of Life = 9 grand years = 9 eras ..

When he tries to kill Matria Atena Atiait FREYA is about 3 grand years .

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