The zodiac and precession

 The zodiac is aligned to the ECAT (the point of spring EQUInox). That is Aries 0 degree, a permanent point.

All zodiac signs have 30 degrees x 12 = 360 degrees. 

But the constellations that make the zodiac are not 30 degrees. They vary significantly. 

How to calculate precession. Go to and create a chart,add the stars that contain significant names (that were decoded as meaning or linked to actual events).

For example '''When was SherATAN on Aries 0?"' which is how we calculate precession. We bring the star/constellation to Aries 0 (and make sure you move in the correct direction). SherATAN is now listed at 4 Taurus. It is 34 (4 degrees from Taurus plus 30 of Aries) away from Aries 0.

Then we calculate how long ago that was. Each degree of precession is circa 72 years. Multiply the degrees (34) x 72 years. 

Another example. 72 '''virgins'' which means 72 degrees from Virgo 3. I could move in both directions with such a calculation, but I have a clue at Dendera, which indicates that Sata Esh is linked to Gemini (each sign has Light and darkness in it). So, 72 degrees from Virgo 3, moving towards Gemini => Gemini 21. 

Where Bellatrix is now.

There are 12 stars that are the border between constellations.

01. Bellatrix

02. Sirius 

03 Ras Elas Australis

04. Denebola

04. ATI (SPica) 

05. Ati plus 24 degrees 

06 ATRIA (which is opposite Bellatrix)

The rest are  180 degrees from these stars.

But this is the zodiac for Matria Esh ..whcih appears at Dendera clearly .

Capra Esh (the blue crown of Egypt was not Khepresh ..but Capra Esh ...and it means the goat's garden, it is funny how they called this world) or Te Ra (Terra( or Mat > Mid gard (this world) uses a slightly different zodiac. 

01. Bellatrix 

02 Bellatrix plus 17  (42 degrees for Cancer?Rac/Rok/Rik)

03. Ras Elas 

Why did they make Cancer (RAC/ROK/RIk) so huge? Because it is opposite Capricorn = the MC, who rules...the goat > god.

Even if Capricorn is a small sign ..from Nashira to Algedi, they seem to have expanded it to 42 degrees. 

Cancer means ORIGIN, the FATHER in astrology because it is the FOURTH sign (PATRA) from Aries = the AC, Ascendant of this world (Capra Esh, TerRA, Mat> Midgard) 

Capricorn  = 10  = DECEmber = the RULER ..Even if the month is the 12th, its name implies DECE = 10 ...

and if you know astrology, you know what turning Libra into OCTO ber = 10th month, respectively turning DECEMber into 12th month means...

8 and 12 houses in astrology are the worst They mean death.

Here they are associated with DECE (from DEATA = the Goddess) 

Deata is derived from DEA/DIA > DAY = Light.

For the ones who have TEN (ATEN > ODIN) as 10, it means they are from Cancer, with the MC in Aries 

Thus the '''risen from the dead'' and Odin (S4T4N = S4NT4 = J3SUS) being the KING OF THE DEAD.

 For the languages that have DEATA > DECE > 10, it means their MC is ORION (GEmini is the equivalent here) and the ECAT in VIrgo. 

Deata means the goddess (but it is not derived from GOAT ..which is the 10th sign of Terra...therefore goat became god.

so did HAM = man. 


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