Sasa RAMANAT = Sess RUMNIR = 6 ORION (the equivalent of Gemini)
33 RAMANAT or DEATA started when Sirius was conjunct Virgo 3 degrees). It ended when Bellatrix was at VIrgo 3.
That was c 20kya.
33 is the equivalent of 9 here, but the 9th era started under 6000 years ago.
6 Ramanat means 30th era for VIrgo Matria or Matria Esh ...
Freya (Matria) won..she has the necklace with the symbol ...
And now go check the V4TIC4N flag ...
there are 2 snakes on it. The father and son.
3 crosses (DEATA, Orion) each .
3 3 (era 33)
3 plus 3 = 6.
It is a complex code ..Sess RUMNIR ...
but also the similar code of Dendera (the facade has 3 plus 3 statues ..together they make up SASA (Egyptian)
Era 33.6 (Djee sus's age when he dies ...That is when he is also born = Beetle HAM
The beetle symbol is read CAPRA ..not Khepre :) And you can read it as beetle, too .
Sasa Ramanat was c 97kya for Matria Esh and c 83kya for TerRA
Gemini = the beginning of the grand year (starting with Sirius and ending with Bellatrix)
Cancer = the 12th sign for precession.
Sassi di Matera is definitely dated to the 6th era ..which makes the city c 83k or 84k years old.
It is dated to c 12000 years ago ..but this is an error for sure.
A reference to the 6th era appears at KA RA HAM (turned into HAN) Tepe, Anat RIA > Anatolia.
The statue of the man with SIX snakes on the forehead indicates that the name is extremely old and it definitely refers to the age of RA HAM = CAPRICORN.
But not the last one which was 12000 years ago (and for Matria Esh ...Anatolia is also linked to Matria Esh ..dated to 12000 years ago ...That was NOt the age of Aquarius here) ..
KA RA HAM (N) Tepe = the energy of RA HAM = Capricorn ..the SNAKE.
Snake symbols appear on tablets at Gobekli Tepe, too.
Anatolia refers to star NASHIRA >> Nazareth.
Everything from Anatolia dated to circa 12000 years ago celebrates the beetle CAPRA (both transliterations are valid is a hidden symbol and English is linked to Egyptian via Saxon).
Identical symtols can be found at Dendera(the temple layout).