Constantine = Ka an S4T4N TEN = energy in S4T4N 10
energy in S4T4N TEN
It means 10 degrees (circa 720 years) after SHERATAN was on Aries 0.
Sheratan was on Aries 0 34 degrees of precession ago.
34 x 72 years = circa 2448 years ago.
Constantin and year 310 = circa 1714 years ago
2448 - 1714 = 734
= c 10 degrees of precession or 7 centuries later.
TEN is from ATEN and it really means 10 (the MC) for the ones with the origin in Cancer(Rac, RagnaROK). The ones born out of the sons of RA (SIrius) who mated the daughters of HAM (snakes). Vinca and Mesopotamia statues that depict such creatures are dated to circa 7500 years ago. Aries is the MC (10th house) for everyone who uses the MOON as symbol, because it is the moon that RULES Cancer (Rac/Rik/Rok, variations). They originated in era 8/9 (the end of 8th, the beginning of 9th).
Immense darkness is associated with BSDe and Sirius (9th era).
SIRIUS conjuncr Aries 0 = the mating.
it is right at the beginning of the Age of 9Gemini (Deata is Orion = the GIANT in the sky ..the TITANS...etc) the flood = NOAH = 9 and it happened aprox when Sirius was conjunct Aries 0. BSDE lasted for centuries and according to old records, it settled at Columba (the Dove Constellation) or at Orion's belt.
She is the Greek Rhea (MAT + RIA = Matria) and also HERA (He + RA = Ra eternal) = De METER which is Dea MATRIA > DE METER
MATRIA became MUTTER, Mother, MADRE (Spanish, Italian), mitera (transliteration, Greek), etc etc.