The Sphinx is MAT HAT - MATRIA during 8th era of MAT /Orion(Gemini)
The Unas (Oana Sa, son of Oana, a feminine name) pyramid indicates the name of the Sphinx as MAT HAT (MEHIT is really transliterated MAT HAT ).
Tut's pectoral (actually the tomb is Matria Atena Atiati Freya's) also indicates MAT HAT (all SekhMAT >> MET statues depict the Sphinx). Look up ''Tut's pectoral with Sekhmet and Ptah"' It indicates 8th era (the 8 spheres at the bottom)
In the pyramid of Unas, MAT HAT (Mehit) has 3 stripes on the neck
That indicates TIGRESS and also 3 is plural in Egypt ..
it is alsoA TRAI = to live at TREI = Gemini = DEATA = LIGHT ETERNAL (RA MANAT means RA ETERNAL in feminine form).
9th era is between c 7500 years ago to c 6000 years ago.
For 9th era, we must add 25772 years (a grand year). That is when LAST GLACIAL MAXIMUM started.
It fits the legend of Sekhmet (Saka MATria) turning into Hat Hera (not Hathor) and diminishing the power of the Sun (SARA).
That is precisely when LGM started.
The Sphinx of Saka Ra (Saka became Saxon) commemorates the beginning of LGM, when the local RA ''died"'
The vikings mention 3 years of winter and battling ice giants (huge ice sheets).
Due to its placement - on the West side of the River Nile (Hapi > api = waters), it indicates death.
So, it appears that the Sphinx is linked to MAT HAT (Mehit is a wrong transliteration ,as is Hathor instead of Hat Hera).
Hera is Taurus. The border between them is Bellatrix - that is where LGM started.
The face of the Sphinx is not Matria's (Saka MATRIA, not Sekhmet, but the statues depict the face of the Sphinx).
Ka Fre = the energy of FREYR ..
Ka af = energy of the snake (Iaham, Ioachim, their father then).
It is possible the so called Djedefre is Deata FREYA ...
soulmates comes from SARE Mat
Freya and Freyr
Atiati and Ati (viking Od/Odr is him, he is NOT Odin)
Atena and Aten (Odin = S4T4N = Djee SUS)
Patre is viking Njord, and not the same as Iaham/Roham/Ioachim.
From the data, the Sphinx appears to be linked to MAT HAT (Mehit), 8th era of MAT (it became May, when the sun enters GEMINI). That would be c 32000 years ago.
It does not necessary mean it was made then, but it is highly lokely, particularly that there WAS civilisation present. It was the 8th era, after all.
Freyr (Kafre = the energy of Fre, he is Freyr for sure) is the one who seems to have modified the face, because that is definitely NOT how it originally looked. It must be a WOMAN. The face is similar to ''Sekhmet'' statues.
Satesh (Seth,Tesh) appears on Narmer Pallete on his knees, about to be executed. He is the snake in viking records (when Odin, Freyr, Ati = Od/Odr and Patre= Njord were killed).
He also appears on Palermo stone, right after ATI (who ruled Egypt right before Sata/Satesh/Tesh killed him). That is Seth = the snake (Sata = the son of soil = snake).