HAT > at > eight and the 8th grand year (ERA). C 32kya to c 7kya.

 MATRIA r HAT = Matria 8 (era,grand year) This is either Gemini or Virgo (usually named Virgo Matria, to avoid confusions) ..the 8th era.

MAT HAT = the same as above.  (Mehit)

PATRIA r HAT = Cancer  8 . In astrology, the IC =the father (PATRA >> PATER > father) 

PSI HAT PAT = Cancer 8 

 Pat Hat became Pat He, then Ptah.

Amen HAT = Amen hot ep   = Capricorn 8


In astrology, the 8th sign means DEATH ...

HAT = 8, the era of DEATH ..

It started 32kya, when Last Glacian Maximum started.

A massive extinction event occured between 32kya to c 6000 years ago and beyond, which means 9th era is also included.

LGM was followed by  the so called Sapat Api (not Zep Tepi), or PAT API >> POT OP (the flood, but clearly linked to NOAH  - NOUA, NINE, NOIE) 

Pat = Cancer = Rac/Rock/Rok/Rick (variations)  

Sapat Api (not Zep Tepi) means dug by waters, but it definitely includes PAT , which indicates the global sea level rise of c 7.5kya. And even more precisely, the Black Sea Deluge. 


PAT HAT = Cancer 8. 

It appears in PAT ri ar HAT and  psi HAT PAT > psychopath.  

HAT is also linked to the Sphinx, whose name is Mat HAT, Orion 8. Not Mehit - but it does appear in the pyramid of Unas. And, given the conjunction with the middle star of Orion's belt = Khafre (ka Freyr, the energy of Freyr) pyramid, it means that Meissa and Alnilam were conjunct Aries 0 circa 32000 years ago. 

HAT, 8th era, 8th grand year = c 32kya to 7kya or 7.5kya. 

NOAH, 9th era/grand year, starts with the ''flood'' (which extended to 9th era/grand year) c 7500 years ago

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