Matria Atena Atiati Freya Present when star SherATAN was conjunct Aries 0. That is 34 degrees of precession ago. Name then: ATENA FREYA FREYA FREYA FREYA FREYA ATIATI MATRIA Empress of RAMANAT (light, lumina) = ATREI (the Living) = White Light = Truth = Life. Deata = 10 = Orion= MC for Virgo Matria (Matria Esh= VANir = HeaVEN (Van = Ven) RAI, Atena Esh > Eden). 3=Trei/Three/Drei, etc =ATRAI= TREE of life = GEMINI (third sign from Aries = the ECAT (not Akhet) of this world). Creatrix of civilisation and all Light- everything that is good. Ample evidence in ''myths'' (from Mat > Truth) and language (Mat Mat, Geometry, Ka Mat > Chemistry, etc etc). UNIQUE writer of the BOOK OF LIFE.
6...6....6 HAM ... CAPRA = goat and ..SATAN .. Santa is SATAN ..(anagram) Santa is Djed SUS (Djed above= MC) . Djed = Orion and the Djed pillar = stars Meissa and Alnilam (the head andthe middle star of Orion's belt) Santa has 9 reindeer = 9th era. The two snakes have NINE tongues on V4TIC4N flag, indicating the same era. Dendera layout. 3 + 3 statues on the facade Era 33 Together, they make 6. So, 33.6 33 eras = 33 grand years x 25772 solar years. The first hall has 24 columns. There is a marking between 3 and 4 because Matria started to expand her civilisation (which was solely on her TERRITORY from TE RA TE RA). The second hall has 6 columns, era 25 for Matria Esh = era 1 here (and everything linked to civlisation comes from her) Eras 31, 32 and 33 have their own halls. What I marked with BLUE represents era 33 for Matria Esh .. These are the ages that appear on ...
MAT HAT (the name of the Sphinx in the pyramid of Unas) is MATHAT = 8th era of MAT. It is wrongly transliterated as Mehit. The name itself contains the dating of the Sphinx of Saka Ra = Saka MAT (Sekhmet) = circa 32k years ago. It definitely commemorates the event (the beginning of LGM). The legend of Saka Mat (Sekhmet), Matria changing into Hat Hera (Not Hathor) Hera = Taurus. So, Saka Mat (Serkhmet) turning into 8 Taurus. That is 32k years ago. And her turning off the power of the sun = the beginning of Last Glacial Maximum. The 3 stripes on Mat Hat's neck indicate A TREIA, THE TREE of life = Gemini. They indicate the Living One. The tiger stripes on the Sphinx indicate the true identity of the Sphinx. Matria. Tigress. ALIEN. The Empress of the Living Ones. Ramanati. Atrei (not NTR or Netdjer). The immortals. Light Eternal. White Light. Even the word Emperor or Empress comes from AM PE RA = I have RA (power, authority). Summe...