Astrology and precession employed for TRUE HISTORY
When was it really? Because astrology and precession are employed.
Mes = birth of (like CREApatra > Cleopatra)
PAT = RAC/RIC/ROK (RagnaROK = reign of RAC = Cancer), Cancer (the constellation)
AMAT or MAT became MIA. Amat = ORION (Gemini)
So, constellation conjunct fixed zodiac (Orion/Gemini 3 in this case).
The birth of PAT conjunct AMAT
PATRa = check St Peter ...birthday 29 June. RA or sara (the sun) is conjunct 7 RAC/Cancer (Bellatrix plus 17 or Sirius minus 7 degrees ...because this point will move across the zodiac due to precession).
SO, we have a specific degree. PATRA = Bellatrix + 17 = Sirius minus 7 (currently 7 Cancer/RAC/RIck/ROK)Patra also means FOUR (fourth) and Cancer?RAC/ROK/RIK = 4th zodiac sign from Aries (which is the ASCENDANT for this planet, the ECAT = point of spring equinox)
So, the birth of PAT conjunct MAT (Orion, Deata, Gemeni from Deata MANAT > Djea mana)
Rac 7 is 97 degrees of precession from ARIES ..but that is not the aspect ..
MAT = GEMENI 3 ...a specific degree (the MC for MAtria esh)
WHich means 34 of degrees of precession away ..
Adam = Mesarthim ..
The star of Aries means Mes RA ATAMA ..the birth of RA ATAMA ...
Mesarthim is circa 33 degrees away from ARIES 0. Which is a fixed point. It never moves . It represents the point of spring EQUInox...
33 degrees of precession x 72 years = 2376 years ago..
But which era?
Adam is linked to NOAH (Noie, NINE) 9th era ..the current one which started at SIRIUS or PATRA (Sirius for Matria Esh, Patra here) ...
So Adam = circa 2376 years ago.
Sarmi Segetu SA = star SYRMA conjunct Sag (most likely degree 3). Star Syrma is currently 30 degrees away from a GRAND RETURN = 25772 years (minus the 30 degrees x 72 years) ..
Beetle in Egyptian is read CAPRA (not Khepre)
CAPRA = Capricorn (the goat= god)
Beetle HAM
HAM > am > om, uomo, homme (man)
This is the old European language ...that Egyptian spoke...
Beetle HAM = Betelgeuse conjunct CAPRICORN 3.
Ra (the sun) is conjunct Capricorn 3 on December 25 ...replacing the original aspect which is once every 25772 years.
Therefore, we can calculate Beetle HAM ...It was circa 12800 years ago.
Ca e SARE (Caesare) means the energy of Sare = SIRIUS and the Black Sea Deluge, circa 7500 years ago.
Crea PATRA (Cleopatra) means the birth of the fourth zodiac sign = CAncer ...which is the current Cancer 7 ...That is 97 degrees of precession ago ...
6984 years ago. Rounded up to 7000 years ago.
Alexandria, Egypt, the city of Tomis (and other cities) sank over 6000 years ago during the last ''flood'' = massive rises of global sea levels ..
The modern level was reached 3000 years ago.
These cities are dated under 2700 yeara ago ...
And they are not the only ones.
These cities all sank with the NOAH (NINTH ERA) '''flood'' ...
There was another one Plato mentions = Meltwater pulse 1b...correctly dated by him 11600 yeas ago...when ''Atrei'' (Atlantis) waged war with the ancestors of the Greeks