The ninth era starts with the Noah (NOUA= 9) ''flood'' (global sea levels rise) 

At the beginning there was the WORD = GEMINI in astrology.

GEmini is the first zodiac sign ..the beginning. 

It starts with SIRIUS - the aprox location of the BLack Sea Deluge (the Black Sea = the gates of hell for the Greeks)

And it ends with Bellatrix.

But here they modified the sign and reduced it by 7 degrees...therefore Sirius minus 7 ..

Or Bellatrix plus 17 degrees. 

Precession goes backwards the last degree of the sign becomes the first with precession. Sirius = first degree of Gemini (Deata) and Bellatrix, which is the entry point, is the last degree. 

The BlackSea Deluge started when Bellatrix was at 3 Pisces ..on  the DC of Matria Esh (VIrgo 3).

The Black Sea deluge started with a major earthquake. Ballard et al paper dates it to c 7500 years ago based on when salt water molluscs appeared and the fresh water one vanished. But the BSDE happened a bit earlier. 

A massive earthquake was the beginning ( I estimate it to over 9 on Richter scale and at Sirius  plus circa 5 degrees, so around 7800 years ago).

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