
Showing posts from 2025

Many call the masses ''sheep''. It's astrology and precession.

 It's impossible not to be aware of the fact that so many call the masses ''sheep''. They are definitely not aware of the fact that they use astrology.  The LAMB. The sheep. They are all related to Age of Aries (the 9th). Adam is about 2300 years old, which places ''him'' in the Age of the Lamb =the sheep = Aries.  The correlation is very accurate, despite them not having any astrological knowledge. It does not only describe specific behavioural patterns (that astrology definitely noted, too), but it also provides an accurate historical timing for the emergence of most of Terra's population. It is absolutely fascinating to see so many who are completely oblivious of astrology use it in such a significant context, particularly that it is linked to precession. For the record, most are reptiles, not sheep. Let's not mix roasts. Pun intended.

''Other wing of the same bird'' - expression linked to WHEN the current set of events started

 The expression '' Other wing of the same bird'' is linked to WHEN the current set of events started.   Aquila Constellation.  The Vulture.  ''Tut's pectoral with Sekhmet and Ptah'' (look this up on the blog). C 12800 years ago (or even earlier). This is half a grand year or great year ago, when all the constellations were opposite of their zodiac signs.   Cancer was conjunct Capricorn.  Capricorn was conjunct Cancer. In astrology, that represents an opposition. in most cases, it may represent an intense conflict.    It's amazing how this surfaced from people who have no idea about astrology and the symbolism used to encode history. 

Terra does not have a MOTHER in astrology.

 Terra does not have a mother.   Terra's most important angles are male dominated - the Ascendant (the locals), the MC(the goat god, a male instead of a mother - must be why they are so confused about such issues) and the IC - the origin, the father. The LAMB is the Ascendant (who they are), the sea GOAT is their god (MC), an abyss of darkness is their origin - the IC.   The Ascendant (the AC) is Aries, the Ram (the LAMB). The Mother, the Ruler is a male sea goat ruled by Y (the snake, Sata, Saturn), the goat > god. The IC, the origin, the father  = Cancer ruled by the Moon (Ayahe in Egyptian). This is also the point of Summer Solstice and if you check the sky, it's a really dim area. Cancer represents NIGHT, therefore darkness. The point of maximum light (Summer Solstice) is an abyss of darkness. The goat is ruled by Sata,Saturn, the snake, the greatest evil.   The MC is represented by a goat who became god (this is the correct etymology, the...

Maternity - etymology and evidence of astrology employed to compound words

Maternity etymology. Matra or Matre or Matria are variants of the same name.  Matre > Mater Mater + Anat = maternity. Matria represents Gemini, which is the MC for Matria Esh, that is why Deata > Dece = 10  = the Mother, the Creatrix of the Matrix. .  Anat is Matria's crown, the ''mother'' , Matria's MC, which means ''mother';, ''Ruler'', ''status''. The MC = 10th house/zodiac sign. ''MOTHER'' is the first word most children say. It's definitely one of the oldest words.  This word clearly existed 40kya  on Terra, I assure you, and ''MOTHER'' has variations all across Europe, but it is the same root everywhere - MAT.  The same as Egypt, because Egypt originated from Europe - Romania is the cradle of civilisation, where Matria's White Light can be sensed - Mount Caraiman..  Ka RA MANAT = the energy of Ra Eternal, in feminine form.  RA MANAT became lumina (Ra mina > lumina)...

Matria Atena Atiati Freya's most recent visit on Terra is linked to star SherATAN

Matria Atena Atiati Freya's most recent incarnation on Terra is linked to star SherATAN, which is a degree of precession earlier than star  Mesarthim.. That is the timeline of  the garden of Atena ('' garden of Eden'') and Adam .  SherATAN conjunct Aries 0 - Atena wages war (evidence exists, she is depicted as the goddess of war and war strategy) and that is when hi-bi-ru were completely eliminated. There are many scenes of Matria Atena smiting enemies (erasing them, sending them back into nothingness). But then Adam is born, a degree of precession later - when star Mesarthim was conjunct Aries 0.    SherATAN is 10 degrees of precession before Ka An Satan ten > Constantine.   Ka An Satan ten = energy in Satan 10, meaning the 10th degree after Satan (SherATAN) was present.  The timeline of Constantine, c 310 current era (again, a degree of precession, an entire lifetime) which is c 10 degrees after Sheratan was on Aries 0.  10 degrees of pr...

NOVENA, the prayer that indicates the 9th grand year, the current great year

 Novena is a prayer ritual that must be repeated over a period of 9 days/weeks or months. Novena indicates the 9th grand year or great year.  It's within the name, just like NOAH, NOIE, 9. Santa's 9 reindeer  represent the same timeline, the 9th grand year or great year ;) Similarly, grand or great year 7 for Matria Esh saw a ritual emerging - slowly moving in a circle (it represents the passing of time, Ra around the zodiac, etc) to get rid of the darkness that had appeared.  It also had a catchy tune and dance ''Trample darkness, make it go away.'' The same ritual appeared c 40k years ago on Terra, where it was indeed still the 7th grand year. The ritual was the same slow motion in a circle, or the catchy dance and tune. The ritual was observed for 7 years by the visitors from Matria Esh. The 7 years of the ritual signified the 7th grand year - the current great year at the time. Novena is clearly inspired from those simple rituals that White Lights pe...

Adam is c 2300 years old.

 Adam is c 2300 years old.   Allow about 1 degree of precession on each side of 33 degrees. But the estimate is 2300 - 2400 years old. :) Adam is linked  to the garden of Eden - .Atena's garden. The name ''garden of Atena'', or ''the garden of Eden'' does not only indicate the location, but also the timeline - the Age of Aries. We know which one of the NINE maximum poassible - it is the last one, the 9th grand year, 9th Age of Aries, or the 9th Era of Aries. The Age of Aries starts at its opposition to Ati/Spica and is about 24 degrees. Ati/Spica is currently at 24 Libra - which indicates when the 9th  Age of Aries ended.  One degree of precession is 72 solar years (the normal years, the years we all use). However, the most simple calculation is to use Betelgeuse and whenever Betelgeuse has an aspect to Aries 0, from any zodiac sign, it signals the new astrological age or era. This is what seems to be used to calculate the current era. Atena's G...

Fatima, Portugal, 1917. Matria is Ria, Re, Ra.

 Regardless  of what really happened at Fatima, Portugal, in 1917, the Vatican and the Inquisition (yes, they still existed) issued a very clear statement - the woman seen is Maria/Mary (the correct name is Matria) and they call that specific set of events '' the miracle of the Sun'', thus openly admitting that Matria is the SUN - RA. The name Matria > Maria/Mary (and other variants) contains the name RA within.  MAT + RIA = Matria Matria = Cosmic Order, Truth, Light.  RIA = Ra=Re and any other variants of the name.  Ria is the Anatolian version of the name.  Geographic distribution of the names: Re can be found in ''mothER'' (English), '' muttER'' (German), in madRE (Spanish and Italian).  Ra can be found in Egypt - Saka RA (Saqqara), the Saha ra Desert, Romania (Caraiman, Arad, Oradea) and Greek - mitera (mother), Meteora (a variant of Matria's name), in Italy - Sassi di Matera, etc, etc.  Ria can be found in Anat Ria ...

Egyptian SASA - number SIX and SESSrumnir = Sasa Ramanat, the 6th grand year

 Egyptian 6 is SASA. SASA could be viewed as a dual plural (such as MAT MAT > Mathematics, te re te re > territory, etc).  Considering the Karahan statue of a male (definitely the ''son'', therefore SA  with 6 snakes on the forehead, there is definitely a link between SASA and the 6th grand year or great year, and the ''son'', SA.  Sa means the son in Egyptian (son has the same etymology).  Ka RA HAM (turned into HAN) means the snake and the archaeological site is linked to a snake cult for sure.    SessRUMNIR  means Sasa > Sess RAMANAT. So the 6th era of Orion (Deata, Ramanat, Atrei, the Living One, the Tree of Life, etc etc). The necklace with the symbols of sessRUMNIR belonged to Freya, so this is about Vanir (Matria Esh and the calculation is for Matria Esh ECAT, the third degree of Virgo).  At Dendera (see  https://matriaatenaatiatif...

Daci > Deutch, Dutch. Saka > Saxons

 Dac,Daci, Dacia definitely refers to Deutch and Dutch.  Dac is pronounced as English DUCK. Daci is pronounced as DUTCH, but Deutch also comes really close.  Duck is the symbol used to denote SA - the son in Egypt. Sa =son ka =energy Saka > the energy of the son.  Saka (Saka Ra, not Saqqara, even if they are homophones) > Saxon, etc etc (there are variants of the word, such as Saxa, etc etc). Duck symbols appear in European prehistoric art.  A wolf standard appears on Narmer Palette and it clearly indicates the presence of Daci > Deutch, Dutch (before they split)  Saka made their presence in North Africa known - Saka Ra (spelt Saqqara, most people fail to connect the dots even if the words are homophones. In Egypt, they write Saka Ra or Sakara.There is a wine with this name in Egypt). A king named SAKA (not SKA) is listed on Palermo Stone before ATI and Seth/Sata/Satesh (the name is Tesh, but they are one and the same character). Saka Ra al...

Titles in Europe and Egypt - Sa Re - Caesar, tzar, Kaiser and Sa Atan > Satan

 Caesare is actually a title, the equivalent of ''Emperor',  Ka = energy  Ca ASARE or Ka Asare > Asare's energy.  The title Sa Re/Ra/Ria, which means Ria/Re/Ra/s son  was one of the most important titles for the Queen or King of Egypt. The hieroglyphics for this title are the Sun sign - a circle,and the duck sign, which reads ''sa'' or ''sat'' (daughter, but when Egyptian lost the feminine partile AT, which became A, the word definitely meant daughter, too. Only one male in Egypt had the title Sa Atan. Ianaten (and not Wa-en-Ra). Akhenaten. The sun circle was read ATAN > ATEN, not Ra, even though they used the same symbol for both names. Caesare became Caesar, tzar, Kaiser.  Sare/Asare became sol, soleil, soare,, sun and son. AM PE RA (I have RA) became IMPERA, Empress, Emperor. 

Precession and star names have been in use for 9 grand years. C 212k years of recorded history.

 Precession and star names have been in use for 9 grand years, or great years.  That is c 212k years of recorded history. But where is it recorded?  In myths (from Mat = Truth). However, one must examine the accuracy of myths and compare the data with other myths with similar themes, to avoid errors in decoding or past tampering of the data (not necessary with the intention of fraud, even if that is also the case. Sometimes people do not understand the need for accurate history and might not recall events as they were told.   The symbols for 9th grand year are everywhere, but most fail to recognise them.    A lot of symbolism is mostly around Matria Esh (Matria's garden, in this case, planet) and its over 33 grand years of recorded history.    A grand year or a great year is 25772 solar years.    How to recognise the codes and decode the symbols.    Not all stories are recorded history. But myths, particularly importa...

OCTOber, 8th month or 10th month of the year and what does it really indicate?

 OCTOber is important, that is where Ati - Spica is. The symbol appears in the 40k year European script. Due to precession, Ati/Spica will exit its association with OCTOber. Atiati is one of Matria's names, a dual plural that indicates grains and agriculture.  Other examples of Egyptian dual plurals - Mat MAT > Mathematics and te re te re > territory. If OCTOber is the 8th month, as its name indicates, then Pisces is the 1st . Not only is it the current astrological age (9 Pisces), but it is also where Orion was when the Black Sea Deluge happened (Bellatrix on Pisces 3), c 7.8kya. The current era is linked to that. That is why CaeSARE and Crea PAtra - age of Cancer, the Black Sea Deluge, the ''creation'' are placed 2kya, even if these events happened over 7kya. If OCTOber is the 10th month, then Capricorn is the 1st . (the MC from MC). That was where Orion was when the current darkness started. Again, October is the calendar link to the Black Sea Deluge (duri...

The real meaning of ''risen from the dead''

 The expression ''risen from the dead''' is a key phrase. It explains an entire cult in a very clear, direct manner. But what does it really mean? First of all, ''risen'' means ''elevated'', ''chosen'' in this context. It is linked to events that started c 12kya - 13kya and were repeated/resurrected/.born again/risen again from the dead  c 2.4kya.  ''Rising'' may be linked to astrology - what is rising on Terra, the realm of the dead, the Valley of the dead, or the Valley of death, since it is in the 8th house/zodiac sign for Virgo Matria or Matria Esh.  The phrase ''from the dead'' really means the dead ones, souls of darkness. The opposite of the Living.  Aesir is ruled by Odin, the LAMB, the Ram, Aries  - Ares. Odin and Ares are one and the same. The LAMB, the 8th house for Virgo Matria or Vatria Esh means DEATH. So, 'risen from the dead'' means elevated, chosen ...

Anno Mundi 1 and Septuagint time of creation 7500 years ago (CaeSARE, Sirius, Aesir).

 Anno Mundi 1  is  on 6 October 3761 BCE, at SUNSET. That was 5785 years ago. Sunset is at 18:19 on 6 OCTO ber (which is the10th month, not the 8th, but even that is linked to astrology and history)    Chart courtesy of  Important aspects to look for: Bellatrix is at 1°23'27" ARIES. This indicates the 9th  Age of Taurus .  The Sun is at 16° 8'16" LIBRA.  The Moon is at 26°34' 3" LIBRA  Mercury is also in the area. Libra is ruled by Ven us( Van ur), the symbol of Life, An Ka, ''in energy'' (and not Ankh).  This is an aspect similar to Pillar 18, Enclosure D, Gobekli Tepe, Anatolia. There we have the H = Orion, Deata, then the Sun circle (identical to Egyptian hieroglyphs), the Moon and a dot that seems to be Mercury. An oocultation, which indicates a conjunction and a parallel by declination. What happened Anno Mundi 1 has its origin in what happened c 12.8k years ago in Anatolia. December 25 year 1 of the current era has i...

Amat te Ra su > Amaterasu and her son, AMENo.

 Amat te ra su is old European > Egyptian, just like Reiki (Ra's ka, Ra's energy). Reiki specifically refers to the universal energy, in fact Matria's unique energy - that of CREATION and of LIFE. The healing energy of Matria. (AMAT in Amat te RA su). Amat = Matria, Mat, May, Orion, Deata (> dece = 10 for Virgo Matria) Te = land Ra  SU = SUS, on the MC.  Amat Te Ra Su > Amat on Terra's MC, therefore Amat or Mat, Orion conjunct Capricorn.  To add detail, AMENo Hohi is Amen, Capra, Ham, goat > god. Hohi might be HAT > He/ho. HAM MAN > AM MAN > Amen.  Amun, is only a variant.  The name AMAT TE RA SU indicates Orion conjunct the Winter Solstice Point. Precisely what Tut's pectoral indicates. Or Dendera.  Amat conjunct Ameno/Ham/Goat/Capra/Khepre is era 33.6 (so the beginning of 6.6). The last 6 from 6.6.6 - 33.6.6 is 33 Leo, or ''Dormition'' for Matria,.respectively the ''rising from the dead'', ''coming back ...

Hidden astrology and history in the Statue of Liberty

 The Statue of Liberty  has 25 windows in the crown, representing 25 grand years. Era 25 for Matria Esh is the first grand year for Terra. Therefore, 25 is the beginning for Terra.  It has 7 spikes in the crown, representing grand years 1 to 7.  There are plenty of heraldic symbols that indicate the 7th grand year.   The 7th, 8th, and 9th grand years or great years appear in many myths. And then we look at the calendar - which could have been made in whichever way one wanted.  DECEmber 25 - Xmas DECEmber 31 - the last day of the year, corresponding to Era 31 for Matria Esh, respectively era or grand year 7 for Terra.  What about grand years 8 and 9 (NOAH)?What about the past 32kya or so? Mass extinction. Death of nature. The statue of Liberty, Freya.  Fre  Atam > Freedom  Linked to this, see Dendera and 6.6.6, 33.6  The temple layout has hidden history in it. And it matches all the data in myths.  Note; Grand year 32 do...

Evidence of precession and astrology in Roman and Greek myths - generations of ''gods''

 There is clear evidence that astrology has been used for over 40k years - the script of Europe, which clearly indicates the shape of known modern constellations - Orion, Capricornus, Ursa Major, etc etc.  The generations of gods in Roman and Greek myths indicate astrology and precession. 01. Uranus and Gaia were originally Ra Anat  and Geb. This is the link to Anatolia and the wound of Ra Anat > rana. In Egypt it is NiatPAT (wrongly transliterated as Nut, but it still means night)  - Cancer. So, these two myths hint at a more distant past - the Age of Cancer, c 7kya to 10k years ago and the Age of Ra Anat for Matria Esh this time, c 12.8kya. Everything we see in Anatolia is linked to all these myths.  02. Rhea and Cronus. Saka Matria is Sekhmet and Rhea, who is associated with a lion (because they want to take the insults all the way) and Cronus is the time keeper. That is Gemini, the time keeper, the word, the beginning and the end. Djed (Djed SUs means Dje...

Hidden astrology in icons with Matria and Djed SUS

The code specifically states VIRGO MATRIA holding the baby Djed SUS.  Virgo Matria's MC is Gemini.  If Virgo = 1st zodiac sign, then the 10th sign is Gemini. Deata > Djed, the MC for Virgo Matria or Matria Esh.  SUS= Orion on the MC for Virgo Matria = Gemini. When did this aspect start? Circa 2kya.  Chart courtesy of  This is the accurate chart, with the time of ''birth'' and the location. The code is complex.  Betelgeuse  0°57'31" Gemini ( the MC for Virgo, the 10th zodiac sign from Virgo) Bellatrix  23° 9'37" Taurus Sirius  16°39'26" Gemini  For comparison, the timeline when Betelguese was conjunct Capricorn 3, c 12800 years ago. This chart does not have accurate data entered, it is only when Betelgeuse was conjunct Capricorn 3. One degree of precession is c 72 years. I chose a location in Anatolia, where we have clear evidence of the cult emerging c 12kya. Chart courtesy of  if you wonder why do I use the n...

Mat Hat, ''Mehit'' and the first Rulers/ Queens/ Kings of Egypt

  Mat HAT, Amat Hat, Orion 8 is linked to the first Rulers or Kings of Egypt.  Mat HAT is the beginning of the 8th grand year or era.  Mat appears clearly at Dendera between Bellatrix and Sirius.  But Terra has less degrees - Bellatrix plus 17 degrees. At Gobekli Tepe we see 10 fingers plus 6 H (H is the symbol for Deata, Orion). So, 16 degrees. Bal bal statues seem to indicate 17 or 18 points. St Peter, the birth of Patra (Crea Patra, Mes Pat, Mes Patra) is June 29, the sun is at 7 Cancer.  That is the border between Gemini and Cancer - St Peter, aprox the 7th degree of Cancer.  This is important to establish, as this is how we calcualte the grand year and its beginning. Matria Esh calculates it at Sirius.Terra calculates it at Crea Patra(Cleopatra)/St Peter. That is why he has the ''keys'' to HeaVEN ( Van ir and no, he does not have any keys, but a huge answer is in that timeline).    So, Mat Hat was when Bellatrix - Sirius minus 7 degrees was o...

Matria and Matrix

''They'' (if by now you don't know who I mean, please click exit and thank you for your visit) told you that Matria created Djed SUS  by herself, without a male. In this context, they mean all civilisation and White Light = Truth = Life. Unfortunately, they combined her creation and civilisation with the traitors represented by a reptile, in order to deceive everyone. They attributed all her merits to a male without any. The movie Matrix hints directly at MATRIA + CREATRIX. It combines the two and it shows discreetly that everything happens under MAT = Truth, Cosmic Order.  Matria,  the Creatrix = Matrix.  For short, even darkness is under Matria's authority, even if they deny it and choose to worship darkness = death. 

The sons of god mated the daughters of man -reconstructing the original statement

 The sons of god was originally  Sons = SI (sa is singular) Ra/Ria/Re  so, Si Re/Ria/Ra, therefore Sirius and it meant the White Light males created by Mat RIA .   ''Man''  is HAM > om, oumo, homme, etc. Capra/ Khepre, Capricorn, Capricornus.   the sons of Ra = Si RA = Sirius  mated  the daughters of HAM = Capricorn, Capra, Khepre, Goat.    Sirius conjunct HAM.    Capra, Khepre was spelt in Egypt using the BEETLE symbol. Precisely what Tut's pectoral indicates (it's Atena's, not Tut's  - the real name is Atiat and it means Queen Regnant. A female name originally, and it was mistranslated and botched up.  Look up Tut's pectoral with Sekhmet and Ptah. The pectoral depicts the birth of Djed SUS. Matria is ''Sekhmet"' conjunct the Vulture (Aquila, Horus)....

Egypt's dual plural. Mat Mat > Mathematics, te re te re > territory.

 Egypt's dual plural can be found in  Mat Mat > Mathematics, ''te re te re'' > territory, bar bar > barbarian or bal bal statues.  Mat Mat > mama  Te Ra > Terra.  te - land (of) 

Evidence of astrology in cults - Adonai. Elohim. Yahweh. Shu > Yeshua. Jesus. Adam

 Adonai is feminine plural, it refers to Atena and the Age of Aries (evidence is in the star SherATAN of Aries). Elohim is Ra Ham, Capricorn, Capra, ''Khepre'', the goat > god. The Age of Capricorn, the MC of Terra. Mc means who rules, the deity and the constellation that rules the planet. Ham/ Capra/'' Khepre"" the goat > god is ruled by the great snake, Sata, Saturn, the greatest evil in astrology. Ayahe meant the Moon in Egyptian. It became Yahweh. The Moon rules Cancer - the father, the origin. Father's ''creation''. Considering the choice of colour blue, that is Freyr (and Elohim is blue + red, originally both were linked to blue). Shu might be the air triplicity in Egypt (and the ''inspiration'').    Jesus means Djed SUS, Orion, associated with the Djed pillar (stars Meissa and Alnilam of Orion constellation) .  SUS = the MC of the planet, who rules. the name Jesus indicates that the Djed (Deata, ...

Mat is Metis and Atena. Matria Atena is self created

 Mat (Matria) became Metis in Greek myths (MAT  = Truth, Order > myth).  Mat, Metis, Matria is one and the same as Atena and they represent two different astrological ages - Mat became May, when Sara (the sun) is in Gemini, Atena is  Ra in Aries. Ra Atena >>> RA TION al. Matria became mother, mutter, madre (Spanish and Italian), mitera (Greek), Mat in Slavic languages.  Absolutely all European languages use MAT or MATRIA for the word mother. Deus > Zeus  killed Mat > Metis, but Atena was reborn. She is self created and in fact, she is the one who created all life. That includes ''Zeus''. Zeus is similar to Odin and his spears, which is in fact the symbol of Mars and the month of March, with the point of ARIES (Ares is Odin) = ECAT = the point of spring EQUI nox.  Ecat is the Egyptian word wrongly transliterated as AKHET.  At the beginning there was MAT (the word > MOD, media in the sense of communication. It comes from MAT)....

Crea Patra > Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator and Patra Mat > Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator

Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator Crea patra - the ''birth'' of Patra, meaning the first degree of the 4th sign (Bellatrix plus 17 or Sirius minus 7)  Patra Mat = 4th zodiac sign conjunct Mat - 3rd zodiac sign (Cancer conjunct Gemini) Crea Patra (the birth of Patra, the 4th zodiac sign, the same degree as St Peter) is code for events that happened c 7kya.  VII = the current degree (Cancer 7= Patra 7). Cancer is the 4th zodiac sign. This indiates a very recent intervention (re-writing history). Deata > Dea >  Thea  Fre , the root of Freya and Freyr   > Philo (particularly that Freya and Freyr were associated with love and ''philo'' means ''lover'' or ''loving'') Ptolemy is associated with 13th degree, which is conjunct Sirius. VII + VI = XIII.  Deus > Theos  = X  (dece, ten, meaning the deity, the Ruler) X = 10 (dece, dieci, zece), from ''DEATA", the 10th sign for Virgo Ma...