
Showing posts from March, 2025

Matria Atena Atiati Freya in language and myths

 MATRIA became the word: MOTHER in English MUTTER in German MADRE in Spanish  and Italian (but Mater in ''Latin'') mitera in Greek (transliteration). Slavic languages use MAT for ''mother''.  Romanian uses MAT MAT > MA MA, > MAMA,  a word used in the rest of languages, too. It is Egypt's dual plural, such as territory - te Re + te Re, MAT MAT > mathematics.  Ka Mat = the energy of Mat > chimia, chemie, chemistry (and also alchemy). Dea Matria > Djea Matria > Geometry. MAT > MEDic, MEDicine -- ic = diminutive suffix.  ATI = Spica, grains, because Matria taught everyone agriculture and domesticated animals. Thus the Potnia Theron female figures.  Atena - the patron of inventions, because she was the inventor herself. The one whose contribution is absolute. Civilisation would not exist without Matria Atena Atiati Freya. Matria became MOTHER in all languages, because she created White Light and civilisation.  Matria used ...

Update on Serapeum. It seems it is c 27k years old.

 Serapeum, SERAPIS, Sare > Sirius + Apis Bull constellation (which is conjunct Cancer) conjunct Cancer (Pat). For short, a great alignment between stars/constellations and their zodiac counterparts or around that timeline.  Cancer conjunct Cancer. Sirius conjunct Sirius or the area close to it. Sirius is currently at Cancer 14 °. So we can absolutely rule out the current timeline, it would mean it was just made in the past 14 ° or so degrees of precession or  11 , if the aspect is calculated to Matria Esh Ecat. Serapeum - Sirius  and APIS bull conjunct Cancer - this seems to be  the code /aspect contained within the name, which indicates a great alignment, similar to the Sphinx (MAT, Matria, Orion) conjunct Orion's belt stars. For short, Orion conjunct Orion, a bit off, since it's the middle star, named  Kafre (the pyramid's name, Ka Fre > Freyr's energy).The Sphinx'  name is Mat Hat or Mehit, which means the 8th great year of Mat (so th...

Terra celebrates darkness

  All celebrations are at midnight or after sunset. They celebrate darkness - the colours of the rainbow represent emotions, the irrational, therefore darkness. Darkness is death. Instead of celebrating Life or aspiring for Light, they celebrate death, destruction and ultimate evil.   Ultimate evil is what was born in Beetle Ham c 12800 years ago.  They lie their worshipped darkness is Light, or they believe it is Light, but they are delusional.  They serve and worship ultimate darkness, the lowest of the lowest. The worst of the worst. What is highly entertaining is their belief that they are good or serve someone good. They are THAT delusional. No wonder this world is HELL.  I call them the dead. Some call them zombies. No matter what, they refuse to see the evidence in front of their eyes.  We saw them in their full ''glory'' in the past 5 years or so, when Matria exposed their darkness completely, but they were atrocious even before. Their histor...

The Fire Dragon is Asare/Sare/Osiris

 The Fire Dragon (or serpent, basilisk, etc) or the red snake is Asare/Sare/Sirius/Osiris. Or Ka Asare > Caesar.  The water serpent or AZURE serpent/dragon/basilisk,/snake is Freyr = Ptah = Hephaistos = Seth = Sata = Satesh or Tesh of Narmer Palette and Palermo Stone.    Azure etymology -  Asare = star Sirius = Cancer, a water sign, thus AZURE, which is a blue-green.    The two most important males for Terra  are Asare(Osiris) and Freyr, the fire serpent and the azure serpent.   Asare and Freyr = Serapis, the APIS Bull, the zodiac sign that starts with star Sirius and is around 20 or 24 degrees. It appears on the Dendera zodiac. Not to be mistaken with Taurus. Apis bull = the water bull.     

Serapeum of Saka Ra (Saqqara), Apis bull and Ptah.

  Serapis or Sarapis, a  syncretic deity derived from the worship of the Egyptian Osiris - Asare and Apis, the bull. Serapeum is dedicated in fact to the Apis bull, dedicated to Ptah - Cancer, Rac/Rock. Ptah represents the zodiac sign of Cancer and one can see the so-called APIS bull conjunct Cancer on the Dendera zodiac. The Apis (waters, the water bull) bull is not the same as Taurus. Two cows (or bulls) are depicted in the Dendera zodiac - one is identical to Taurus, the other is on the other side of Orion constellation. Serapis comes from SARE pat. Pat hat became PAT Ha, then PTAH - the 8th Age of Cancer (7000/7500 to10000 years ago). Even the name Hephaistos is derived from HAT PAT  > HE PAT > HEPHA +the rest of the name.  It indicates the 8th Age of Cancer and he is Ptah for sure, they have the same name and attributes/skills.  Serapis is derived from SARE PAT > SARE PI ... but it is close to ''sarpe'' (Ro), ''serpens'' (Lat) - sn...

Sekhmet is Orion constellation, it's written in the name

 Sekhmet is Saka MAT or SAK MAT MAT became MAY, the month of May, when the sun enters GEMINI, which is conjunct Orion (the zodiac, not the constellations). Sak or Sah is Orion's name in Egyptian.  Therefore Sekhmet is Orion. Sekhmet or Saka MATRIA, to distinguish between Orion (which is on Matria Esh' ecliptic and is conjunct Gemini) and Virgo MATRIA, which is split in two zodiac signs for Matria ESH.  Sekhmet is Mat Hat (Mehit), which simply means Sekhmet 8, or MAT 8, meaning the 8th Age of Orion. MAT HAT (Mehit) is the name for the Sphinx of Giza.  The myth of Sekhmet (Matria, Mat) turning into HAT HERA (Hathor) depicts the beginning of Ice Age, when Bellatrix was conjunct Aries 0, but not  Anno Mundi 1, which is the 9th great year. Add c 25772 years to this, to get an idea when this happened. Sekhmet is 3,the 3rd zodiac sign for Terra, 1 being Aries, 2 being Taurus. Sekhmet or MATRIA is ATREIA, The Living One, thus the 3 stripes on the neck of the SPhinx in t...

PHARAOH and PALACE Etymology

  Etymology PHARAOH... From the Egyptian word for palace. That was PARAT.    Egyptian (old European) PARAT became PALAT in Romanian, PALACE in English.    Linguists should eat the PIE  = lie they created. 

Update on dating the Sphinx and the Pyramids of Giza

  According to the Pyramid of Unas (correct: Oana sa), the Sphinx' name is MAT HAT, transliterated as Mehit. MAT HAT, ''Mehit'' indicates the 8th great year, Age of MAT = ORION. The great year 8, right at the beginning, as MAT = ORION marks it. That would place the Sphinx c 32k years ago. The pyramid of Unas (Oana sa) also depicts the Sphinx with 3 stripes on the neck - not only indicating 3 = TREI = A TRAI  (NTR is a wrong transliteration, it is A TRAI, not ''nedjer''), the Living One, but also a TIGRESS. The Sphinx has tiger stripes sculpted. The Nemes headdress worn by all Rulers of Egypt and featured on every mortuary mask, also has stripes - white and blue, because Egyptians never used black when depicting the Living One, since black is the symbol of death. The pyramids are conjunct the Sphinx. According to local folklore, they were built later. The pyramids represent the 3 stars of Orion's belt and the middle one has Freyr's name on it ...

10 in Romance and Germanic languages comes from astrology, but different timelines

  Deata = 10 in Romance languages, which means DEATA, ORION is the  MC in astrology. That means the populations formed during the Age of Virgo. Virgo's MC is Deata, Orion. Or that the number is linked to that timeline. ATEN became TEN in English. That means the MC in astrology, therefore Aries = Aten = 10. That means 1 is Cancer, so the populations or the language formed during the age of Cancer - most likely Cancer 8, HAT pat or pat hat. Or it could mean the number is linked to that timeline.  Alternatively, it might indicate who they worshipped.  Romance languages are linked to Deata > 10 (zece, dieci, decem in Latin) Germanic languages are linked to Odin, Aten > TEN.  A special remark, ten in Hebrew is esaer (transliteration),  from Asare, Sirius.

The Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük

 The Seated Woman of Çatalhöyük   is Isis (or Eses, as found on Tartaria clay tablets and which is likely the proper transliteration of the Egyptian hieroglyphs), the Moon, identical with the female figurines dubbed as 'Venus'' of prehistoric Europe. That is Isis, The Moon, the ruler of Cancer ( Pat, Niatpat > noapte, night, notte, etc, ROCK, Rac). Niatpat is wrongly transliterated as ''Nut''. She sits on Matria's throne - Orion, Terra's equivalent is Gemini, the Twins. That would be the constellation of Cancer conjunct Gemini 3. The constellation of Cancer is from Sirius minus 7 degrees to c Ras Elas Australis. Thus the 42 body parts of Asare, which are degrees. The 42 body parts of Asare appear at Gobekli Tepe, enclosure D, pillar 18  - which represents Orion. The earliest time when the statue could have been made is Ras Elas conjunct Gemini 3. Ras Elas is currently at c 21  Leo. From Gemini 3 to Leo 3 there are 60 degrees, then we ...

The Trojan War

  The Trojan War is dated to c 3200 years ago. But Ovid includes it in Metamorphoses which ends c 7500 years ago, with star Sirius > Ca Asare (the energy of Asare - Sirius) > Caesar. Once Ovid's work decoded, one realises he used precession to tell the story. Castor and Pollux are the Twins, when Rome was founded. So, Rome is over 7500 years old, according to Ovid. Considering the symbols used, the city of Rome is definitely much older than the current claim - '' Ab urbe condita'' or ''anno urbis conditae'' must be when Rome fell under enemies.  The myth of the Twins (Gemini) nursed by the she wolf indicates a different timeline than AUC for sure and I do not consider any historian or ancient writer a trustworthy source. Castor and Pollux are the twins, the city of Rome being declared a city over 7500 years ago makes more sense, with Castor and Pollux rising on Terra's spring Equinox point. But there is a catch with this - there is one wol...