
Showing posts from February, 2025

Not Cosrmic Mating, but darkest reality

Many try to confer the events that happened over 12800 years ago a mystical aura, but in reality, the darkest darkness emerged. It was not a Cosmic Mating - the metaphor indicates what was happening on Terra - the fact that all laws were being broken already 12800 years ago. They refused to listen. They became absolutely irrational (thus the reptile part). They became incredibly toxic - thus the snake part. it merely describes who they really are. Their souls look like snakes and this appears in art c. 7500 years ago - See Vinca and Mesopotamian snake or reptile figures. That was PAT HAT or HAT PAT, the 8th (HAT) Age of Cancer.  it is not a Cosmic Mating. It is not something sacred. It is lust (sexual greed) and the inability to contain such desires. Astrology only describes actual history, and thus it suddenly becomes a source of historical truth. Let's not attribute mystical connotations such as Cosmic Mating to the darkest events, that lead to absolute hell. Greatest ...

Humans created from DUST, CLAY - TE = GI, GEB, Gaia, soil, the snake

 Humans (from HAM MAN = Capricorn, man eternal, ruled by the snake, Sata, Saturn) were creared from DUST or CLAY according to the Bible.  That is GAIA, the TERRAN, the snake.  TERRAN comes from TE, which is not only land (Ra's property)...but  soil. Crawlers. Reptiles. Snakes. Gaia the snake.  Their creation is linked to Capricorn for sure, given how they call themselves -  ''human''.  When SI RE (the sons of Re, Sirius, Light) mated the daughters of HAM (man, Capricorn), the reptiles, Gaia.  It is highly likely that they mated their own daughters when star Sirius was transiting Capricorn, Terra's MC- circa 13000 years ago. Evidence - the words for bride and groom in Romanian. MIRE  MIRE ASA   - ''asa''' is the daughter, sat, sa (when feminine nouns lost particle AT, only A remained). English ''son'' is derived from ''sa'', the son originally. Sun and son are homophones, they have identical etymology = '...

Hera, Demeter, Atena, Artemis, Hestia are the same goddess and different zodiac signs

 Hera, Demeter, Atena, Artemis, Hestia are the same deity, DEATA, and different zodiac signs.   Atena is not a typo - this is the correct spelling, the variant with ''th'' is a corrupt one and it is disrespectful to alter someone's name. It is treason to alter Atena's name, because she is TRUTH, change that slightly and it is no longer truth.    Hera = Taurus, but she could also represent the cow zodiac sign that appears in the Dendera zodiac, Demeter is DEATA MATRE (A version of Matria's name) DE MATRE > DE METER  ...VIrgo, associated with agriculture, animal domestication, healing, health. VIRGO MATRIA. Atena is MAT in the Age of Aries (Aten is the male counterpart). Atena is the Light of the zodiac sign of Aries, Aten is death of the same zodiac sign. The Living One and the mortal, the dead one. Artemis is Ra Atama - another variant for RA ATENA. Hestia is the sacred fire, meaning White Light = the energy of Life. The only Olympian female who is no...

Crowned figures in heraldry are astrological symbols

 The Crown signifies the MC, who rules, so whenever a figure or animal wears a crown, it means that animal = zodiac sign was on the MC of the planet, therefore on Capricorn, the Winter Solstice Point. The figure or the animal was SUS = MC = Capricorn.   A snake wearing the crown represents Saturn on MC = Capricorn = SUS (above) A unicorn = Monoceros, the Trojan Horse (Atreia > Troy, the 3rd zodiac sign). The horse wearing the crown = the MC. It is the rhino in prehistorical art.  Crown's number of WHITE PEARLS = great year number xx for Matria Esh.  For instance 22 white pearls = great year 22. 

Null Island - the point of absolute reference

 Null Island. 0.0 coordinates, thus making it the point of absolute reference for Terra. It was a choice. Where is it?   In the Atlantic Ocean, next to the coast of Africa. Af = snake. Letter F in Egyptian is a snake. RICA refers to ROCK, Cancer, Pat(ra).  The water snakes from an abyss of darkness that have never seen Light.  They appeared around the Black Sea Deluge, c 7500  to 7000 years ago (the 7 degrees of ''creation'' - their creation, not THE creation). The name of the continent, along with the myth of Phaeton, explain their creation 7500 to 7000 years sago. Septuagint also specifies 7500 years ago. 

The 40000 years old script of Europe, the heart shaped symbol, modern constellations and astrology   The 40000 years old symbols of Europe are a script identical to Egyptian hieroglyphs. The symbols found here depict constellations, but there are other symbols that do not appear here. The same numbers appear in both scripts. The shape of Capricorn is the heart shaped symbol  - top line, 5th symbol. Compare to the shape of the constellation This is the symbol Egyptians used to write HAM > am > om, uomo, homme = man. The script definitely contained modern constellations - one can easily recognise at least a few modern constellations. Sara - the Sun and the Moon appear, along with the snake symbol - Sata = Saturn, the greatest evil. The 40000 years old symbols of Europe are a script identical...

Freyr >>> fier, ferum, iron

 Freyr is Ptah, Hephaistos ..Sata, Satesh, Tesh (of Narmer Palette and Palermo Stone) Freyr's name became iron - Romanian ''fier'',  Latin ''ferrum''. Spanish ''hierro'', Italian ''ferro''.  Ptah is from PAT HAT > PAT HA > PTAH, and it indicates the 8th Age of Cancer.  Copper comes from Capra, Capricorn.  For the record, Ian (Satan, Djed SUS) had an iron spear head c 13000 years ago. It had a very elaborate design and he only paraded with it.  Iron and metal existed in Anatolia for sure. It also existed in Europe 40000 years ago  - particularly in the area where the so called Lionman statue was found. 

Viking Æsir is star Sirius and the zodiac sign of Cancer

 Viking Æsir is star SIrius, which is the border between Deata and Cancer/Pat/Patre/Rock. It represents the entry point into Cancer and it represents it. The 42 body parts of Asare/Sare represent 42 degrees (this appears in Anatolia, Gobekli Tepe, enclosure D, pillar 18, which is Orion). Asare/Sare became Aesir, Sirius, Osiris, etc etc. Sirius was on Terra's spring Equinox 7500 years ago (Caesar is code for KA Asare, the energy of Asare - Sirius).  Æsir is ruled by Odin, because Cancer's MC is Aries - the LAMB. Odin is the lamb.  RagnaROK means the reign of ROK. Ragna  = reign and it means the MC = HAM, Capricorn, ruled by the snake, which is why there are snakes associated with Ragnarok in art.  ROK means Cancer. So, RagnaROK means Cancer on MC, = the Winter Solstice Point. Cancer was on the Spring Equinox point, Age of Cancer, from c 7000 years ago to c 10000 years ago. Cancer =42 degrees on Terra x c 72 years per degree.  The festival of Fer...

Ovid's Metamorphoses and astrology - Cancer, Phaeton and Sirius

  Ovid's Metamorphoses depicts the creation, the  myth of Phaeton in Book II = PAT ATEN = Cancer on Aries 0 = the point of Spring Equinox. It ends with Book XIV = Romulus and Remus, the Twins nursed by the she-wolf - The Twins, Castor and Pollux and then Book XV = Caesar = KA Asare/ KA Aesare, Aesir, Asare, Osiris, STAR SIRIUS. The book accurately states that the flood occured in that period = between Zeus transforming into a COW (not a bull, not Taurus, but the zodiac sign that appears on Dendera zodiac, that precedes Sirius, which is grouped with Orion (c 24 degrees between Bellatrix and Sirius). So, the METAmorphoses, the transformation of entities into something else. Ovid points out an age of PERFECTION when everything was good, then a decline in morals. The decline is complete during the age of Pat Aten (Phaeton) = Cancer conjunct Aries 0 = the point of Spring Equinox. For short, the 8th Age of Cancer, that announces the 9th great year. NOAH started with the fl...

Romanian BISERICA > Latin BASILICA and basilisk - the serpent

 Romanian BISERICA indicates RICA, RAC, ROCK, PATRA, piatra, for short, confirming that Christianity existed in organised form during the Age of Cancer, over 7000 years ago. BASILICA is derived from it, and not the other way around, simply because R> L (i.e. RA > leo, lion). Basilica and basilisk are connected for sure. More so that serpents appear in art, along with CAPRA, goats > gods.  It is astrological symbolism. No one spoke Latin in ''Caesar'''s time. Upper class spoke Greek 2000 years ago. Latin is made up. Further evidence is MATER  in Latin, but the original MATRE > MADRE in Italian (Spanish, too). RA MANAT is Romanian ''ramane'', English '' remain'', Italian ''rimanere'' BUT Latin MANAT. No language loses a particle, then reverts to it. Latin erased Ra/Ria/Re from words, as much as they could. Italian preserved the particle. Latin is made up, invented c 2000 years ago or less...used for pol...

Matria = Mat, Orion, the White Tiger from the West in Chinese legends, Japan's Amaterasu (and her son, Ameno)

 Matria, Mat or May = the month of May is associated with the moment sara, the daughter, (and not the sun= son, they are homophones because they have the same origin) enters the zodiac sign of Orion - Terra's Gemini.  Matria is the Sphinx, named Mat HAT (the 8th great year of Orion= Mat), and has TIGER stripes sculpted on her head in TIGER colours, with blue replacing black because black means DEATH in Europe and Egypt. Egyptians never used such a colour associated with the Living One. it is forbidden - absolute crime.  The Chinese have their founding legend linked to Orion and the White Tiger from the West  - namely Europe, which is West of Asia. Orion is the White Tiger from the West. The Japanese are even more precise - AMAT TE RA SU (Amaterasu) is MATRIA, MAT, AMAT, the Creatrix, along with her son, Ameno (linked to Capricorn, HAM).  It is highly likely Amaterasu means Amat on Terra's SUS = MC, therefore Capricorn, further confirmed by the association with...

The Lion, the bull and the lamb/ram cults - and a major question about the timeline

The lion (Leo) was definitely worshipped in Mesopotamia (from Mes Pat AMAT, the birth of PAT conjunct AMAT = current Cancer 7 degrees conjunct Gemini 3). We can see there was a bull cult (TAURUS) that was wide spread. Then the LAMB cult appeared. All of these are gods, from goats = CAPRA, Capricorn. These cults might be completely misdated ...and the major question is - did they appear when the constellation was on Terra's ECAT (Aries 0, the point of spring EQUI+nox) or did they appear when the constellation was on the Winter Solstice point, Capra > Capricorn > the goat > god? Because that would mean they are 1/4 of the great year OLDER.  The Vatican was founded by St Peter, which is code for 7000 years ago, the cult appeared c 12000 years ago (everything in Anatolia is linked to Jesus) and the birth was around 12800 years ago.. Aries was still conjunct Capricorn 7000 years ago (not that close to the Winter Solstice point, though). This indicates that it was the MC t...

Capra, the goat, and astrology depicted in religious iconography.   The painting is from the PAPAL ARCHBASILICA of St John. Basilica comes from BASILISK = snake = the MC ruler, the ruler of Capricorn (Saturn = sata - the snake in Egyptian) Deata, Orion is the cross conjunct Capra, Capricorn, the goat. Great years 6 and 8 depicted.  4 windows = PATRA = the IC, the origin - the father, Cancer/Rock/Rac The scene depicts Beetle HAM, Betelgeuse (star of Orion) comjunct Capra,Capricorn. The 2 goats = gods. Father and son.  Absolutely all symbols depict astrology and the darkest history.   The male figure above all, spilling darkness, surrounded by RED (aggressivity) and yellow (lies, deceit, illusions) is Satan himself. For the record, he would be absolutely offended and delete everyone for this, he looks different. His physical appearance is very alluring, but it is all deceit. The same for his father = Asare/Sare/Osiris....

The symbolism of 3 and 6, Life, Light, Matria, the teacher and the healer

 3 and 6. A TRAI, Three, the TREE of Life = the 3rd zodiac sign = Matria, Mat, May = Orion. The Living ones, ATREI = 3.Represented by number 3 in Egyptian grammar.  Not NTR, not netdjer, but ATREI, A TRAI. To live in Romanian.  3, Mat, Matria, Orion (Terra's 3rd zodiac sign is Gemini, conjunct Orion) represents the GREAT TEACHER. THE WORD, the beginning and the end, the time keeper.  Greek Rhea is MATRIA, Mat, Orion. Not a lion, but a TIGRESS.  Light, not darkness.  6, SASA in Egyptian, represents the zodiac sign of VIRGO, therefore VIRGO MATRIA. In astrology, Virgo and the 6th sign = healing, health, daily life, agriculture, domesticated animals, pets. For short, it names Matria's absolute contribution to the creation of civilisation. She is the ONLY one who created Light and civilisation. This is even hidden in the bible - her civilisation is over 33 great years old and she created it BY HERSELF, without male, thus the VURGO creation :) Matria is the grea...

Matria = Mat, the Word, the beginning and the end, Light Eternal (Ra Manat)

 Mat, Matria, became MOD = the word in French. The word, the beginning and the end (the time keeper), Ra Manat > Ra mana > Light Eternal.  Mat became May, the month when the Sun enters Gemini - conjunct Mat, Orion, which is not on Terra's ecliptic.

Egypt's dual plural - Te Re Te Re > territory. Ta Ra > Tara. Possible connections to Tartar and Tartaria

  Egypt's dual plural, Territory etymology, Tara etymology, Tartar etymology, Tartaria etymology. Ta = land Te = lands, plural. Therefore Ta Ra > the land of Ra and Te Ra  = the lands of Ra. Terra, the name of the planet is derived from this. It simply means the lands of Ra. Territory is a dual plural, made of  Te Ra + Te  Ra, lands of Ra + lands of Ra. The world ''territory'' preserved the original meaning intact. The same for TA RA, the land of Ra. It became ''tara'', country in Romanian. Irish Tara has the same meaning, plus ''home'' (although that is associated with HAM - Capricorn). It is highly likely that mythological Tartar was derived from this dual plural, although modified significantly.   Mythological Tartar has a negative connotation associated with it. It means Hell. However, Terra is hell, so the correlation is quite adequate. Tartar's synonym is Terra.  Tartaria's etymology is identical to Tartar. Ria is t...

The Sphinx of Saka Ra is a TIGRESS

  The Sphinx of Saka Ra ( Saqqara), the Sphinx of Giza is a TIGRESS. The Sphinx of Saka Ra, or the Sphinx of Giza is a TIGRESS - Mat Hat, Mehit. The Sphinx of Saka Ra, or the Sphinx of Giza has STRIPES sculpted on the head and they are part of the original sculpture. It was Kafre = Freyr, Ptah, Hephaistos who disfigured the Sphinx of Saka Ra = the Sphinx of Giza.  The name Sekhmet, Saka Mat is the same as Saka Ra (Saqqara), for short, Saka Matria. Saka > saxon, but also Sah- Orion. This is a very important detail, as many statues dedicated to Sekhmet appear during Atena's time - because she is Sekhmet (Saka Matria, she is Orion) reincarnated. Saka Mat > Sekhmet, but that seems to indicate the conjunction between the star and its zodiac counterpart.  For short, a great alignment between the stars and the zodiac.  This is further supported by the conjunction between Sekhmet - who is Mehit, Mat Hat, and the 3 stars of Orion's belt. The Sphinx is conjunct the...

Plato, Meltwater pulse 1b, 11600 years ago, ''Atlantis'' and 6.6.6, great year 33.6

Plato accurately pinpoints Meltwater Pulse 1b and he correctly dates it to 11600 years ago. What was happening in the sky 11.6kya?  Orion was conjunct Capricorn, still - Orion conjunct the snake (the ruler of Capricorn/ Ham).  Capricorn was on Matria Esh's ecat - Virgo 3. So it was great year33.6 for Matria Esh. Precisely what is marked at Dendera.  The timeline is linked to Meltwater Pulse 1b, rising sea levels, but also the war between Atlantis and the ''ancestors of Greeks'' (namely sub Saka Ra ns)that Plato mentions. By Atlantis, Plato might have meant the Atrei, the Living ones waging war against the dead ones, the Aesir, as it appears in Viking myths. Note: Atrei is wrongly transliterated as NTR or netdjer.

Dendera zodiac - two ecliptics intersect. Matria Esh and Terra

Dendera zodiac in Napoleon's time. I find this depiction the easiest to read.   The zodiac has the Ascendant in VIrgo, but it goes the opposite way compared to a normal chart reading. The woman seated on the throne is Matria(Virgo Matria, which became the offensive Virgin Mary), then the second zodiac sign is what resembles the Grim Reaper, then the scales = Libra, Scorpio. So, the chart goes towards its upper register. The same direction appears in the Dendera temple plan.   Dendera zodiac - two ecliptics intersect.  Dendera aligned with the modern zodiac, so we can read the chart properly: I drew the lines where the hands intersect on Dendera zodiac  - those points are the borders between the zodiac signs.  The yellow marking represents the ecliptic for Matria Esh, which has a different zodiac than Terra. Deata = Mat = Orion is on Matria Esh's ecliptic, not Terra's.  Terra's zodiac signs are easy to recognise in the Dendera zodiac. They are the mo...

Anatolia, Amenhotep and a major question

  Anat Ria became Anatolia, but also Anette (without Ria/Ra/Re) and the inverted order became Renata. The name Anatolia is linked to 12kya, when civilisation appeared in  the area. That was the Age of Anat (Aquarius) for Matria Esh, not for Terra. After it, Ra Ham, or Ham, Capricorn followed (precession goes in the opposite direction of ''normal'' astrology, where the correct succession is Capricorn > Aquarius).    The name Amenhotep is definitely derived from Ham man > Amen + Hat > Amenhotep. It seems that astrology used the zodiac of Matria Esh in these cases. But did it use it in all circumstances, or did it mix it with Terra's zodiac and timeline? Because my decoding for the age of the Sphinx is linked to the name Mat HAT, ''Mehit'', and Terra's astrology. If it is calculated after Matria Esh, then it is c 20kya. However, for the Sphinx we have the legend of Saka Mat > Sekhmet turning into Hat Hera. Mat Hat, or Mehit tu...

Xmas in Egypt c 2400 years ago - when all ''myths'' merge

  The timeline seems to be SherATAN plus 3 degrees, c 2160 years ago. However, SherATAN is the star that marks Matria Atena Atiati Freya's presence on Terra, so I use that timeline. Egypt was very strict with symmetry (from si - daughters/sons + Matria). Anything that is not symmetrical has a very special meaning, enconded in symbolism. Their ages are encoded in the upper register -  what I marked with red. One is 48, the other - well, some symbols are partially hidden, something is off there, so let's say around 52 or so.  The third register marked with red dots represents the number 25 - most likely the years since marriage.  Right above their heads, Matria Atena has 33 bells, representing 33 great years - herself and her civilisation. Ianaten (that is his correct name, not Wa-en-Ra) is associated with number 9 - the number of great years Odin spent hanging in the Tree of Life (exposed to Light). Hidden behind the right column there are 8 bells, something is off ab...

Egypt and Dacia c 2400 years ago - when all ''myths'' merge. The Garden of Atena is the garden of Eden.

 Artwork from Dacia, c 2400 -2500 years ago.       Artwork from Egypt, the same timeline               Matria Atena Atiati Freya and Ianaten (Akhenaten), correct date c 2400 - 2500 years ago, when star SherATAN was conjunct Aries 0. Matria Atena Atiati Freya, Virgo Matria  - the same symbols appear on the Dendera zodiac. The Dendera zodiac marks the Solstice points for both Matria Esh and Terra.  The symbol appears in Egypt and is mislabeled. This is Virgo Matria, the sign of Virgo, as depected on Matria Esh. It represents Matria with herself as creation, self creation - Deata creating herself, MC creating AC, self. The mother, Matria holding Deata in her arms. Her creation is Light.   Related posts - and The Garden of Eden is the Garden of Atena, Atena Esh ...

How big was Dacia, really?

 If we look at ''ancient'' maps that are not a reliable source (we don't have trustworthy historical sources), Dacia was well South of the Danube River (See Dacia Mediterrranea). With the Deutch (Germans) and the Dutch (the population of Netherlands) who still call themselves Daci and the region of Anatolia named Dacia (Cappadocia), it looks like Dacia covered significant parts of Eurasia.  Dacia Ripensis' capital was Ratiaria - derived from RA Atena or Ati Ria.