Matria = Mat, Orion, the White Tiger from the West in Chinese legends, Japan's Amaterasu (and her son, Ameno)
Matria, Mat or May = the month of May is associated with the moment sara, the daughter, (and not the sun= son, they are homophones because they have the same origin) enters the zodiac sign of Orion - Terra's Gemini.
Matria is the Sphinx, named Mat HAT (the 8th great year of Orion= Mat), and has TIGER stripes sculpted on her head in TIGER colours, with blue replacing black because black means DEATH in Europe and Egypt. Egyptians never used such a colour associated with the Living One. it is forbidden - absolute crime.
The Chinese have their founding legend linked to Orion and the White Tiger from the West - namely Europe, which is West of Asia. Orion is the White Tiger from the West.
The Japanese are even more precise - AMAT TE RA SU (Amaterasu) is MATRIA, MAT, AMAT, the Creatrix, along with her son, Ameno (linked to Capricorn, HAM).
It is highly likely Amaterasu means Amat on Terra's SUS = MC, therefore Capricorn, further confirmed by the association with Ameno = Ham, Capricorn. So, Amaterasu most likely means Amat on Terra's MC, Amat,Mat, Orion conjunct Capricorn , Ham. That was c 12800 years ago (the aspect takes over 2000 years from the start to finish). Amaterasu is RA, the sun and is featured on Japan's flag. The number of rays are important, they denote first contact.
Viking TREE of Life is 3, the 3rd zodiac sign = Matria, Mat, Orion, Deata.
X in genetics has the shape of Orion =Deata = Life = Light = Truth.
In astrology, Venus (from VANir) is the symbol of Life - AN KA (not Ankh), which means ''in energy'', meaning Matria's energy. What she EMITS (from AMAT > EMIT) or what she RADIATES (from RA DEATA, Ra the Goddess).
For the record, tigers lived around the Black Sea until recently - 1970s in Anatolia, the Middle Ages in the Northern part of the Black Sea.
Tigers are solely linked to Eurasia.
The Great Sphinx is a TIGRESS, it has sculpted stripes on the head and the statue was painted in tiger colours, with STRIPES. . The so called ''Nemes'' headdress depicts tiger stripes, too. All funerary masks had the stripes, as they wore the '''Nemes'' headdress.
Christian Maria, Mary, Virgin Mary is MATRIA herself..and her cult is much older. She was the only one worshipped until HAM cults appeared.
MATRIA is the real Creatrix if Light = Truth= Life, the sole writer of Life.exe = the book of Life. The programmer HERSELF.
Even they state that she created ''Jesus'' by HERSELF, without male, but in this context Jesus is conflated with her civilisation and Light (he is neither). In fact, he represents the darkness of a White Light civilisation - Matria Esh.
Jesus is 33.6 when he dies - in fact that is when he is born, greatest darkness. Anatolia depicts that very clearly.
The Dendera temple plan indicates clearly that 33.6 = great year 33, Age of Capricorn for Matria Esh. This was when Betlegeuse was conjunct Capricorn = HAM, therefore Beetle HAM. The zodiac of Dendera marks the Winter Solstice points for Matria Esh and Terra and depicts TWO ECLIPTICS. Two sets of zodiac signs for two different worlds. The temple is clearly dedicated to MATRIA.
All zodiac symbols of Matria Esh depict solely Matria, including the TIGRESS. Few other animals appear (wolves, cow = Hera).The zodiac signs have different names for Matria, to identify each particular zodiac sign. But the figure is the same - Matria walking elegantly,REgally, across the zodiac.
Matria is White Light = Truth = Life, the Creatrix. Tigress.
And all civilisations depict her as such. She founded them, after all :) Everything you have comes from Matria.
A few Japanese basic numbers are very special.
ROCO = 6, but it is linked to ROCK, Cancer, which would mean Japan's ECAT (their world) is in Aquarius.
HATCHI or HACHI is 8, it comes from HAT (old European and Egyptian) HAT > AT > eight.
DJO is 10 and comes from DEATA = 10, the Mc, who RULES and AMAT is Matria, Deata. Amat te ra SU ...Mat, Amat on Terra's SUS = MC, therefore ORION on Winter Solstice Point, Capricorn 3.
in astrology, the MC = 10th zodiac sign, DEATA > DECE (mber).