Dieci, diez, dez, zece, but Latin DECEM
Italian - dieci
Spanish - diez
Portuguese - dez
Romanian - zece (deata < detche > dzece > zece)
Latin added the particle ''m''. Instead of referring to the original DEATA (from which deity is derived), they took it and turned DEATA into a man. HAM > AM and this is where particle ' ''m'' from DECEM comes from.
is the month when the Sun (original Sara, feminine, from which viking
Sol is also derived) enters the sign of Capricorn - HAM. This starts around the Winter Solstice.
Terra's Winter Solstice is at Capricorn 0, however celebrations are held when Sara (the sun) is at Capricorn 3.
This indicates an aspect from Capricorn to Matria Esh, whose ECAT (point of Spring EQUI+nox) is at Virgo 3.
Latin was removing RE from the language and represents the worship of HAM. Thus DECEM and not DECE - which is the original root, derived from DEATA.