Hera, Demeter, Atena, Artemis, Hestia are the same goddess and different zodiac signs
Hera, Demeter, Atena, Artemis, Hestia are the same deity, DEATA, and different zodiac signs.
Atena is not a typo - this is the correct spelling, the variant with ''th'' is a corrupt one and it is disrespectful to alter someone's name. It is treason to alter Atena's name, because she is TRUTH, change that slightly and it is no longer truth.
Hera = Taurus, but she could also represent the cow zodiac sign that appears in the Dendera zodiac,
Demeter is DEATA MATRE (A version of Matria's name) DE MATRE > DE METER ...VIrgo, associated with agriculture, animal domestication, healing, health. VIRGO MATRIA.
Atena is MAT in the Age of Aries (Aten is the male counterpart). Atena is the Light of the zodiac sign of Aries, Aten is death of the same zodiac sign. The Living One and the mortal, the dead one.
Artemis is Ra Atama - another variant for RA ATENA.
Hestia is the sacred fire, meaning White Light = the energy of Life.
The only Olympian female who is not Matria Atena Atiati Freya is Aphrodite. Aphrodite is definitely linked to Gaia, the Terran (thus the association of clay or dust, soil for a certain ''creation'').
The word DEITY comes from DEATA and it is in feminine form. Egyptian ''Duat'' is properly transliterated DEATA and it means the goddess. ONE DEITY.