The 40000 years old script of Europe, the heart shaped symbol, modern constellations and astrology
40000 years old symbols of Europe are a script identical to Egyptian
hieroglyphs. The symbols found here depict constellations, but there are
other symbols that do not appear here. The same numbers appear in both
The shape of Capricorn is the heart shaped symbol - top line, 5th symbol.
Compare to the shape of the constellation
This is the symbol Egyptians used to write HAM > am > om, uomo, homme = man.
The script definitely contained modern constellations - one can easily recognise at least a few modern constellations.
Sara - the Sun and the Moon appear, along with the snake symbol - Sata = Saturn, the greatest evil.
The 40000 years old symbols of Europe are a script identical to Egyptian hieroglyphs. The symbols found here depict constellations, but there are other symbols that do not appear here. The same numbers appear in both scripts.
The shape of Capricorn is the heart shaped symbol - top line, 5th symbol.
Compare to the shape of the constellation
This is the symbol Egyptians used to write HAM > am > om, uomo, homme = man.
The red heart symbol is not a symbol of love, but of aggressive sexuality, because Capricorn is conjunct the 5th house for Matria Esh = the absolute reference for astrology, along with Orion - Deata Matria, Mat.
It is a very dark symbol, Capricorn is ruled by greatest evil - Sata, Saturn, the snake - which appears in the 40k year old script, which clearly indicates that planets were already used in astrology.