Xmas in Egypt c 2400 years ago - when all ''myths'' merge


The timeline seems to be SherATAN plus 3 degrees, c 2160 years ago. However, SherATAN is the star that marks Matria Atena Atiati Freya's presence on Terra, so I use that timeline.

Egypt was very strict with symmetry (from si - daughters/sons + Matria). Anything that is not symmetrical has a very special meaning, enconded in symbolism.

Their ages are encoded in the upper register -  what I marked with red. One is 48, the other - well, some symbols are partially hidden, something is off there, so let's say around 52 or so. 

The third register marked with red dots represents the number 25 - most likely the years since marriage. 

Right above their heads, Matria Atena has 33 bells, representing 33 great years - herself and her civilisation.

Ianaten (that is his correct name, not Wa-en-Ra) is associated with number 9 - the number of great years Odin spent hanging in the Tree of Life (exposed to Light). Hidden behind the right column there are 8 bells, something is off about Ianaten and the symbols indicate that. 

So, we may assume that the hidden elements represent him in the age register, too - so Atena was 48 at the time, he was around 52 (they did not keep proper records most likely, since he was a viking). 

There are Xmas decorations all around, including something that comes really close to Xmas lights - the 30 arrows (14 + 16), that represent Odin himself shooting Freya and killing her 3 times - 3 great years. The last 3 great years - great year 31, 32, and 33. 

The golden helmet of Cotofenesti depicts ''father goat'' killing his only son, ''the Lamb''. This indicates that Christianity existed in its current form over 2400 years ago, when the helmet was produced. 

The Xmas decorations in the image I presented confirm this, as well. 

For the record, I know with absolute certainty there was electricity in Egypt during that time. I remember. So, whether some items that appear are Xmas lights or not is irrelevant. They are, beyond doubt, Xmas decorations.

It was Ianaten's birthday. He is born on December 25, Beetle Ham. 

His title was Sa Re (Ra's son) which was turned into Sa Atan > Satan. 

The Sun sign was read ATENA (ATANA) or, in his case, Aten. 

Ianaten, not Wa-en-Ra. ''A ka an ATAN'', '' I, energy in Atan'' became ''Akhenaten''.

He is Santa and is depicted throwing gifts - the so called ''Window of Appearance'' 

In astrology, the 3rd zodiac sign (Deata, Orion) is the great teacher. Virgo Matria is the great HEALER, the 6th zodiac sign represents health and healing.

The first image, the Dendera temple plan and the Dendera zodiac, prove WHO is the greatest teacher and healer - Matria Atena Atiati Freya herself.

Nefertiti is a fake name, it was intentionally transliterated in a false way. All her history was falisified beyond recognition. There is a solid reason this was done - Matria Atena Atiat Freya is the KEY to everything, the Living One, Truth, Life. 

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