Ovid's Metamorphoses and astrology - Cancer, Phaeton and Sirius
Ovid's Metamorphoses depicts the creation, the myth of Phaeton in Book II = PAT ATEN = Cancer on Aries 0 = the point of Spring Equinox.
It ends with Book XIV = Romulus and Remus, the Twins nursed by the she-wolf - The Twins, Castor and Pollux
and then Book XV = Caesar = KA Asare/ KA Aesare, Aesir, Asare, Osiris, STAR SIRIUS.
book accurately states that the flood occured in that period = between
Zeus transforming into a COW (not a bull, not Taurus, but the zodiac
sign that appears on Dendera zodiac, that precedes Sirius, which is
grouped with Orion (c 24 degrees between Bellatrix and Sirius).
the METAmorphoses, the transformation of entities into something else.
Ovid points out an age of PERFECTION when everything was good, then a
decline in morals. The decline is complete during the age of Pat Aten
(Phaeton) = Cancer conjunct Aries 0 = the point of Spring Equinox. For
short, the 8th Age of Cancer, that announces the 9th great year. NOAH
started with the flood. This flood, POTOP, from PAT API, the waters of
This is the correct order for precession (Cancer, Castor Pollux, Sirius).
Ovid mentions 4 great years - the last four.
Great year 30, which was still PERFECTION. It is the equivalent of SessRUMNIR (sasa=6 RAMANAT = Light, Freya has the necklace, so the reign of Light)
Great years 31,32 and 33 represent a gradual decline, presented in the book.
The 3 crowns of the papal tiara (the triple tiara) depict great years 31, 32, 33.
Viking Odin tries to kill Freya (it is her for sure) for 3 great years.
25 (DECE = 10, the MC, who rules) and 25 represents the great year 31 -
just like the Dendera temple plan. Great year 31 is the last of the old
year. Great years 32 and 33 become January 1 and 2.
Ovid presents HAT PAT or PAT HAT = the 8th Age of Cancer, or great year 8, Age of Cancer.
The name Ptah comes from PAT HAT > PAT HA > PTAH. Metamorphoses, ''Transformations'' ends with SIRIUS. He presents the tranformation during that timeline, when psy hat pat > psychopaths appeared. The worst criminals and crimes are associated with that timeline.
For the record, Caesare, Caesar, Asare, was executed for treason. The same for Freyr ,Ati and others, including Iaham (Ioachim, Elohim, Raham, Rohan etc), not necessary during that astrological age.
See also Dendera zodiac and Dendera temple plan.
And also Crea Patra (Cleopatra) and Caesar (Ca Asare > star SIrius).