Amenhotep IV and Akhenaten are the same person, two different timelines - 12800ya/11600ya and c 2400ya
Evidence that Amenhotep IV Ianaten Akhenaten lived 12800 years ago - his ''birth''.
His father is also the goat > god, Amenhotep III (Atrei).
Amen HAT = Capricorn 8, but in this context, API is APis BUll, a constellation on Matria Esh ecliptic. Apis Bull is conjunct the first degrees of Cancer and it starts with star Sirius. It is about 20 or 24 degrees.
So, Amen HAT API = Capricorn conjunct APIS bull = the great opposition.
His mother's name is TIAAI, linked to star ATI = SPica. Spica is the MC for Capricorn (the ''birth'', December 25 c 12800 years ago).
Artefacts from 12800 years ago or 11600 years ago when the war with darkness occured - mentioned by Plato. Natufians vanish 11600 years ago. That is the Age of Capricorn for Matria Esh, and 33.6 which became part of 6.6.6
It also explains the obsession with 6m.
It is real, it happened, but serves everyone right for erasing priceless history. Mess with Matria and try to erase her contribution and legacy? You are erased .PERMANENTLY.
Matria erased the darkness 11.600.
A degree of precession before Anno Mundi 1 (preserved in the names for Bellatrix = the Conqueror, the Lion - an offense for a TIGRESS).
And star SherATAN, c 2400 years ago, when she erased them completely. They respawned a degree of precession later, star Mesarthim = birth of RA ATAMA. Ra was eliminated (Latin was invented to eliminate RA and DECEM represents DECE + HAM > DECE AM > DECEM, for short, the worship of HAM = the beast, the snakes. ATAMA became ADAM.
Adams, HAMs started to appear in human form about 2300 years ago.
In fact the word ''human'' is derived from HAM MAN > man eternal, Capricorn ruled by Sata > Saturn, the snake, the greatest evil.
So, the MC should be the mother. But it is the father, HAM, ruled by the snake - Sata > Saturn, the greatest evil.
The IC is the father, the origin and is ruled by NIGHT, DARKNESS, because it is CANCER = night time.
Queen Tiaai (Tye, Tya)'s name is a very important detail - because it indicates the MOTHER and TIA is a variant of ATI or ATIATI - and it means QUEEN (TIA+ RA = tiara). Spica is the equivalent of Libra as seen on the zodiac of Dendera.
The name of the father - Amenhotep (Capricorn 8 conjunct APIS BULL = Cancer) andthe name of the mother = ATI >TIAAI, Spica = which is the MC for Capricorn indicate that the references to IanATAN (not Wa-en-Ra, the sun symbol was clearly read ATEN, indicated in inscriptions) date from 12800 years ago, the ''birth''.
But here's the thing - IanATEN Akhenaten is ATEN, ODIN, the Lamb, the Age of Aries (possibly c 3672 ya to c 2300 ya). Amenhotep is a different timeline!
It really looks like the artefacts date from different periods of
time - the birth, 12800 years ago or the timeline of the war, 11600
years ago - because a war is depicted in scenes of Atena and Ianaten
smiting their enemies (erasing them, deleting them from existence),
along with others which depict Xmas lights (from the ''revival'',
''rebirth'' c 2400 years ago, when Matria Atena definitely had
technology here).
This explains the references
to magical objects in myths and stories. For primitives, technology is
magic. A plane or a similar vehicle becomes a flying carpet. Video
conferences become the magic mirror. Matria Atena and her kind had
technology on Terra. Humans did not have it. No one sane would give such
primitive atrocious beasts technology. Look what they do with it!
Savage beasts , to this day.
Amenhotep IV represents Capricorn conjunct Cancer, the great opposition, c 12800 years ago or 11600 years ago when the war between Atrei (the Living, ruled by Matria) and the nehiji or nehezi took place.
Akhenaten, Ianaten is linked to 2400 years ago, Age of ATEN = the LAMB = Satan.
Ian was the only male who had the title SA ATANA, Sa ATENA. The rest of males who had his title were titled SA RE > SIRIUS,
Both mean the son of LIGHT (Matria = Mat = Atena = Ra/Ria/Re)
Two different timelines are depicted in what is presented as history from 3200 years ago (it's wrong, of course). One from his birth 12800 years ago, or the war 11600 years ago. And another incarnation from 2400 years ago, when star SherATAN was conjunct Aries 0.
The so called Tut's tomb belonged to Matria Atena.
The so called Tut's mask belonged to Matria Atena.
The tomb was quickly repainted by Carter and his team, then closed while still wet. it is why it developed mold. It was painted over the original scenes - see Reeves work. He is the one who also discovered that the mask originally belonged to MATRIA ATENA (''Nefertiti'' is an insult, nefer is the opposite of FREYA).
The seal - a rope, looks absolutely new. That rope was never 2400 years old rope, let alone 3200 years old, as they try to imply. That was absolutely new rope, made in 1922 or around that timeline.
Princess Mary has photos in which she resembles Matria Atena, dated
to 1926 - 4 years after the official opening of the tomb of''Tut'' (Matria Atena's tomb in fact)..She was
EXPOSED to Matria Atena's energy. She touched objects that belong to
Matria Atena forever.
Mary invoked Matria Atena, too.
Mary is Meritaten, whose actual name was also Kya (monkey) and Matria Atena ESH (Matria Atena;s garden, thus the ''garden of Eden'').