The Sphinx of Saka Ra is a TIGRESS
The Sphinx of Saka Ra ( Saqqara), the Sphinx of Giza is a TIGRESS.
The Sphinx of Saka Ra, or the Sphinx of Giza is a TIGRESS - Mat Hat, Mehit.
The Sphinx of Saka Ra, or the Sphinx of Giza has STRIPES sculpted on the head and they are part of the original sculpture.
It was Kafre = Freyr, Ptah, Hephaistos who disfigured the Sphinx of Saka Ra = the Sphinx of Giza.
The name Sekhmet, Saka Mat is the same as Saka Ra (Saqqara), for short, Saka Matria. Saka > saxon, but also Sah- Orion.
is a very important detail, as many statues dedicated to Sekhmet appear
during Atena's time - because she is Sekhmet (Saka Matria, she is
Orion) reincarnated.
Saka Mat > Sekhmet, but that seems to indicate the conjunction between the star and its zodiac counterpart.
For short, a great alignment between the stars and the zodiac.
is further supported by the conjunction between Sekhmet - who is Mehit,
Mat Hat, and the 3 stars of Orion's belt. The Sphinx is conjunct the
middle star - which is part of the Djed pillar.
The most recent great alignment was 18 degrees of precession ago. And that would be 9th great year.
For the 8th great alignment we would need to add 25772 solar years.
The Djed pillar is star Meissa- the head and star Alnilam - the middle of Orion's belt.
cross includes the shoulders - Bellatrix and Betelgeuse. One can see
two tigers around Orion at Sayburc (originally Saburg, the Son's City)
and they also have stripes.
Anatolia's last tiger went extinct in the 1970s. Tigers went extinct in the Northern part of the Black Sea in the Middle Ages.
name of the Sphinx appears in the pyramid of UNAS - it was
transliterated as Mehit, but the correct name is Mat Hat. Hat = the 8th great
year , c 32.7kya to c 7kya.
WHY are the stripes so important?
Because they are sculpted on the head. They are part of the original sculpture.
Only TIGERS have stripes.
THERE ARE NO TIGERS IN AFRICA. They never existed in Africa. Tigers only exist in Eurasia.
with the original name Saka Ra > Saqqara, Saka was Sah, Orion, the
hunter. A central figure in Egypt, which indicates Egypt had a
significant Saka > saxon population.
This is proved by the genes of Egyptians prior to the Greco-Roman times, prior to 2300 years ago (Adam).
Hat (Mehit) is depicted with 3 stripes on the neck in the pyramid of
Unas (Oana sa). 3 - ATREIA, the Living one, the 3rd zodiac sign (Mat
>> MAY, when the Sun enters Gemini, the equivalent of Orion, since
Orion is not on Terra's ecliptic). The Tree of Life = 3.
MAT is Orion constellation.
the Sphinx, is conjunct the 3 stars of Orion's belt, which is a grand
alignment - the stars conjunct their zodiac counterparts. More or less,
but that seems to be indicated by the Sphinx, Mat Hat, ''Mehit'' and the
3 pyramids.
This code needs to be cracked correctly :)
I can say with absolute certainty is that the Sphinx is about events
over 7000 years ago. It could commemorate those events, but I think it
was built around the timeline of the event mentioned in the giant
astrological chart.
The Sphinx is Mat Hat, Mehit, and it is conjunct the 3 stars of Orion's belt. Orion - Saka = Sach, Sah.
The Sphinx, Mat Hat, conjunct Mat (Orion's original name).
SakaMAT > Sekhmet, but the original name was MAT or MATRIA.
MAT + RIA = MAtria.
Sekhmet is the Sphinx, MAT = MAY, Orion. She has the sun around her head, because she is RIA, RA, RE.
The real Light, the Truth = Life.
EDIT. The Sphinx predates the pyramids according to local folklore. The name of the Sphinx is clear - MAT HAT, which indicates Mat 8 = c 32000 years ago. The pyramids could date from the great alignment (the stars conjunct their zodiac counterparts, i.e Bellatrix conjunct Gemini 3°10') - the most recent alignment
was c 1300 years ago, to which we add a great year of 25772 years.
Every detail counts, there are plenty of details that must be analysed and put together, like a puzzle. Which is why it may sound confusing at first.