Egypt and Dacia c 2400 years ago - when all ''myths'' merge. The Garden of Atena is the garden of Eden.

 Artwork from Dacia, c 2400 -2500 years ago.

Artwork from Egypt, the same timeline



Matria Atena Atiati Freya and Ianaten (Akhenaten), correct date c 2400 - 2500 years ago, when star SherATAN was conjunct Aries 0.

Matria Atena Atiati Freya, Virgo Matria  - the same symbols appear on the Dendera zodiac. The Dendera zodiac marks the Solstice points for both Matria Esh and Terra. 

The symbol appears in Egypt and is mislabeled. This is Virgo Matria, the sign of Virgo, as depected on Matria Esh. It represents Matria with herself as creation, self creation - Deata creating herself, MC creating AC, self. The mother, Matria holding Deata in her arms. Her creation is Light.


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The Garden of Eden is the Garden of Atena, Atena Esh - the name for the oldest ''daughter''  - a degree of precession, conjunct or close to star SherATAN.


 All images are used for research and educational purposes only. 

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