Dendera zodiac - two ecliptics intersect. Matria Esh and Terra
Dendera zodiac in Napoleon's time. I find this depiction the easiest to read.
The zodiac has the Ascendant in VIrgo, but it goes the opposite way compared to a normal chart reading. The woman seated on the throne is Matria(Virgo Matria, which became the offensive Virgin Mary), then the second zodiac sign is what resembles the Grim Reaper, then the scales = Libra, Scorpio. So, the chart goes towards its upper register. The same direction appears in the Dendera temple plan.
Dendera zodiac - two ecliptics intersect.
Dendera aligned with the modern zodiac, so we can read the chart properly: I drew the lines where the hands intersect on Dendera zodiac - those points are the borders between the zodiac signs.
The yellow marking represents the ecliptic for Matria Esh, which has a different zodiac than Terra. Deata = Mat = Orion is on Matria Esh's ecliptic, not Terra's. Terra's zodiac signs are easy to recognise in the Dendera zodiac. They are the modern constellations - that have been in use for at least 40000 years in Europe (see the 40k year old European script).
Several stars are easy to recognise and they represent borders - Ras Elas Australis, Denebola, Spica (the grains, Ati).
Several ''eshes'' (gardens, planets) are depicted in the zodiac - including Sata Esh, the snake's garden.
The 72 virgins reference indicates 72 degrees from Virgo 3 - Matria Esh's ecat. That is Gemini 21, where Bellatrix is now. So, Sata Esh, the snake's garden, is 72 degrees from Virgo 3 = Gemini 21.
A very important chart - for the aspect indicated in Beetle Ham, which is star Betelgeuse conjunct Capricorn 3.
The star of Bethlehem is Betelgeuse conjunct Capricorn 3. This is the original aspect depicted in the name. It refers to an event that happened 12800 years ago or so.
Check the direction in which the figures look towards.
Orion and the bull look at each other - that is a very important border. That is why Mat (Orion) is ''the beginning and the end''. Mat is the word (Mot in French, the word ''media'' is derived from Mat, too). For Terra, Orion is the WORD, the 3rd zodiac sign, ATREIA, 3, the Tree of Life, The Living One.
The solstice points are marked on Dendera zodiac - Gemini for Matria Esh, Capricorn for Terra - the MC or SUS, ''above''. Who rules.
All crowns depict the same intersection - the two arches represent two ECLIPTICS that intersect under the cross - Deata, Mat(ria), Orion.
The orb on the crowns and the royal orb represent a planet with its ecliptic intersecting the equator, and the cross on MC. Deata/Mat (Orion, Gemini for Terra, as Orion is not on Terra's ecliptic) is the MC for Matria Esh. Capricorn is Terra's MC.
Dendera zodiac and royal crowns, the royal orb, depict the same aspect - Deata/Matria (Orion) conjunct Gemini 3 = Matria's esh's MC, respectively Capricorn 3 = Terra's MC.