Plato, Meltwater pulse 1b, 11600 years ago, ''Atlantis'' and 6.6.6, great year 33.6
Plato accurately pinpoints Meltwater Pulse 1b and he correctly dates it to 11600 years ago.
What was happening in the sky 11.6kya?
Orion was conjunct Capricorn, still - Orion conjunct the snake (the ruler of Capricorn/ Ham).
Capricorn was on Matria Esh's ecat - Virgo 3. So it was great year33.6 for Matria Esh.
Precisely what is marked at Dendera.
timeline is linked to Meltwater Pulse 1b, rising sea levels, but also
the war between Atlantis and the ''ancestors of Greeks'' (namely sub Saka
Ra ns)that Plato mentions.
By Atlantis, Plato might have meant the Atrei, the Living ones waging war against the dead ones, the Aesir, as it appears in Viking myths.
Note: Atrei is wrongly transliterated as NTR or netdjer.