The symbolism of 3 and 6, Life, Light, Matria, the teacher and the healer

 3 and 6.

A TRAI, Three, the TREE of Life = the 3rd zodiac sign = Matria, Mat, May = Orion.

The Living ones, ATREI = 3.Represented by number 3 in Egyptian grammar. 

Not NTR, not netdjer, but ATREI, A TRAI. To live in Romanian. 

3, Mat, Matria, Orion (Terra's 3rd zodiac sign is Gemini, conjunct Orion) represents the GREAT TEACHER. THE WORD, the beginning and the end, the time keeper. 

Greek Rhea is MATRIA, Mat, Orion. Not a lion, but a TIGRESS. 

Light, not darkness. 

6, SASA in Egyptian, represents the zodiac sign of VIRGO, therefore VIRGO MATRIA. In astrology, Virgo and the 6th sign = healing, health, daily life, agriculture, domesticated animals, pets. For short, it names Matria's absolute contribution to the creation of civilisation.

She is the ONLY one who created Light and civilisation. This is even hidden in the bible - her civilisation is over 33 great years old and she created it BY HERSELF, without male, thus the VURGO creation :)

Matria is the great teacher = 3 and the great healer = 6. 

MAT > MEDic.

MAT MAT > mathematics. 

Matrix ..

Ka Mat > chemia, chimie, chemistry. Ka = energy of.

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