Anatolia, Amenhotep and a major question
Anat Ria became Anatolia, but also Anette (without Ria/Ra/Re) and the inverted order became Renata.
The name Anatolia is linked to 12kya, when civilisation appeared in the area. That was the Age of Anat (Aquarius) for Matria Esh, not for Terra.
it, Ra Ham, or Ham, Capricorn followed (precession goes in the opposite
direction of ''normal'' astrology, where the correct succession is
Capricorn > Aquarius).
The name Amenhotep is definitely derived from Ham
man > Amen + Hat > Amenhotep.
It seems that
astrology used the zodiac of Matria Esh in these cases. But did it
use it in all circumstances, or did it mix it with Terra's zodiac and
Because my decoding for the age of the Sphinx
is linked to the name Mat HAT, ''Mehit'', and Terra's astrology. If it
is calculated after Matria Esh, then it is c 20kya.
for the Sphinx we have the legend of Saka Mat > Sekhmet turning into
Hat Hera. Mat Hat, or Mehit turning into Hat Hera and the dimming of
the power of the sun is linked to Terra's timeline - c 32kya, when Ice Age began.
The most important thing about Anatolia is the fact that it is definitely linked to the birth of Jesus and the cult of Jesus started there c 12kya. That was around the timeline of Beetle Ham > Bethlehem, which is Betlegeuse conjunct HAM = Capricorn 3. The aspect happened around 12800 years ago.
Star Nashira became Nazareth - qhich is linked to Virgo Matria, where Nashira was at the time of the birth in Beetle Ham.