Not Cosrmic Mating, but darkest reality

Many try to confer the events that happened over 12800 years ago a mystical aura, but in reality, the darkest darkness emerged.
It was not a Cosmic Mating - the metaphor indicates what was happening on Terra - the fact that all laws were being broken already 12800 years ago.
They refused to listen. They became absolutely irrational (thus the reptile part).
They became incredibly toxic - thus the snake part. it merely describes who they really are. Their souls look like snakes and this appears in art c. 7500 years ago - See Vinca and Mesopotamian snake or reptile figures. That was PAT HAT or HAT PAT, the 8th (HAT) Age of Cancer. 

it is not a Cosmic Mating. It is not something sacred. It is lust (sexual greed) and the inability to contain such desires. Astrology only describes actual history, and thus it suddenly becomes a source of historical truth.
Let's not attribute mystical connotations such as Cosmic Mating to the darkest events, that lead to absolute hell.
Greatest evil was born 12800 years ago. Not Light, as most assume.But most evil darkness. Absolut evil came out of Sirius + the daughters of Ham (Gaia, the snakes) and then Beetle HAM.

Study the icons. The energy that appears  - its colours.
Reality is energy. Everything is energy. Souls are energy.
Reality is colour coded.
White Light = Truth = Life.
Matria must always be depicted as White Light, the Source of White Light = Truth = Life. Thus the ''most immaculate heart'' or the most pure at heart. They mean the entire soul, to the core of it. In this context, heart - the core.  

Any other colour is darkness. Study the icons with Djed Sus > Jesus. He is always associated with red (aggressivity , violence, he is Aten-Odin-Ares, the god of war, the Lamb = Aries, the ram), green (hatred, envy, jealousy), or yellow (illusions, but in his case, lies and deceit).
Odin is the mortal hunter Orion, too - the one Diana/Artemis kills with her arrows. The opposite of what viking legends claim - that Odin killed Freya (it is Freya) with his arrows.
This depicts the war between Light versus darkness. Although the dark ones never state so, because they present themselves as the good ones. Darkness is never good, nor is it immortal. 
Even if darkness persists thousands or tens of thousands of years, it always comes to an end. Darkness is death, and Djed Sus is the king of the dead, the deadliest entity, risen from the dead (from among the dead ones, meaning he is a dead one). He is the god of war, Odin,Ares, the Lamb, the most destructive entity in the universe.

The story of the matings appears in all myths, along with the darkest result - the water snakes. Snakes that emerged from an abyss of darkness, that destroyed all civilisation and became a threat for all life, just like the source - their fathers, who had become the most evil entities in the universe, the symbol of absolute death who created absolute death.

The myths exist. But they need to be decoded properly. Astrology and linguistics are the key into historical truth. Heraldry, too. 

Considering the symbolism of HAM = snake, the males in question were already snakes c 12800 years ago + the time Sirius was transiting Capricorn, so it was on Terra's MC. Their transformation definitely started c 40000 years ago. The symbol of the snake - Sata > Saturn exists in the script found all over Europe. It is also found all over Anatolia, which is dated to c 12kya. 

Their full transformation into something even worse (the opposite of evolution) was complete c 7500 year ago cf Ovid, and also Septuagint - which indicates that as the beginning of ''creation''. 
They became snakes from an abyss of watery darkness.

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