Egypt's dual plural - Te Re Te Re > territory. Ta Ra > Tara. Possible connections to Tartar and Tartaria
Egypt's dual plural, Territory etymology, Tara etymology, Tartar etymology, Tartaria etymology.
Ta = land
Te = lands, plural.
Therefore Ta Ra > the land of Ra and Te Ra = the lands of Ra.
Terra, the name of the planet is derived from this. It simply means the lands of Ra.
Territory is a dual plural, made of Te Ra + Te Ra, lands of Ra + lands of Ra. The world ''territory'' preserved the original meaning intact.
The same for TA RA, the land of Ra. It became ''tara'', country in Romanian. Irish Tara has the same meaning, plus ''home'' (although that is associated with HAM - Capricorn).
It is highly likely that mythological Tartar was derived from this dual plural, although modified significantly.
Mythological Tartar has a negative connotation associated with it.
It means Hell. However, Terra is hell, so the correlation is quite
adequate. Tartar's synonym is Terra.
Tartaria's etymology is identical to Tartar. Ria is the Anatolian version of the name Ra or Re.
Geographical distribution of Ria, Ra, Re:
Ria - Anatolia, Eastern Europe and Asia.
Ra - Romania, Egypt, Greece
Re - Western Europe, present in English ''mothER'', German ''muttER'',
Italian and Spanish ''MADRE'' - which is the closest form for RE and Matria's name. MATRE > MADRE.
Tyrant seems to be derived from Terra > terran, particularly that
other languages have a form closer to Terran, ;;of Terra'' - such as
German Tyrann, Romanian ''tiran'', Italian '' tiranno'', Spanish
''tirano'', Norwegian, Swedish and Danish ''tyrann''