MATRIA r HAT = Matria 8 (,great year) This is either Gemini or Virgo (usually named Virgo Matria, to avoid confusions) ..the 8th great year - c 32.7kya to c 7kya. MAT HAT = the same as above. (Mehit) PATRIA r HAT = Cancer 8 . In astrology, the IC =the father (PATRA >> PATER > father) PSI HAT PAT = Cancer 8 Pat Hat became Pat He, then Ptah . Amen HAT = Amen hot ep = Capricorn 8 Note In astrology, the 8th sign means DEATH ... HAT = 8, the great year of DEATH .. The 8th great year started 32kya, when the Last Ice Age started (Last Glacial Maximum). A massive extinction event occurred between 32kya to c 6000 years ago and beyond, which means 9th great year is also included. LGM was followed by the so called Sapat Api (not Zep Tepi), or PAT API >> POT OP (the flood, but clearly linked to NOAH - NOUA, NINE, NOIE) Pat = Cancer = Rac/Rock/Rok/Rick (variations) Sapat Api (not Zep Tepi) means...