Crea Patra > Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator and Patra Mat > Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator
Cleopatra VII Thea Philopator
Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopator
Crea patra - the ''birth'' of Patra, meaning the first degree of the 4th sign (Bellatrix plus 17 or Sirius minus 7)
Patra Mat = 4th zodiac sign conjunct Mat - 3rd zodiac sign (Cancer conjunct Gemini)
Crea Patra (the birth of Patra, the 4th zodiac sign, the same degree as St Peter) is code for events that happened c 7kya.
VII = the current degree (Cancer 7= Patra 7). Cancer is the 4th zodiac sign. This indiates a very recent intervention (re-writing history).
Deata > Dea > Thea
Fre, the root of Freya and Freyr > Philo (particularly that Freya and Freyr were associated with love and ''philo'' means ''lover'' or ''loving'')
Ptolemy is associated with 13th degree, which is conjunct Sirius. VII + VI = XIII.
Deus > Theos = X (dece, ten, meaning the deity, the Ruler)
X = 10 (dece, dieci, zece), from ''DEATA", the 10th sign for Virgo Matria. 10 = the Ruler in astrology.
Cleopatra ''died'' on August 12 31 BCE.
The Dormition of Maatria > Maria/Mary is celebrated on August 15, It is linked to the current astrological age on Matria Esh - Leo. All you need to do in order to verify this is to check which stars are around Virgo 3 currently (or Aries 0 for Terra). has this feature included.
The calendar for December 25 could have been made in whichever way they wanted. They chose December 25 to be the birth (Winter Solstice is Capricorn 0, the Sun is at Capricorn 3 for December 25 - for an aspect to Virgo Matria = Matria Esh). December 25 represents the 25th era or 25th grand year, when civilisation was brought on Terra. That is when history began to be recorded on Terra. The last day of the old year is December 31 - it corresponds to the grand year 31 for Matria Esh. Grand year 32 becomes January 1 = the grand year of the DEAD, because 32 is the equivalent of 8th era (and it is also 8 x 4)
Matria Esh, grand year 32 started c 45kya - when Aurignacian started on
Terra. It is precisely when the script and astrology appear in caves
all over Europe, which indicates a massive presence from Matria Esh.
CaeSARE > Caesar, the energy of Sare/Asare = Sirius.
7 degrees of precession before Crea Patra > Cleopatra.
These seem to be events that happened 7500 - 7000 years ago, not 2000 years ago.
same as the birth of Jesus is 12800 years ago (Djed SUS = Djed on
Terra's MC, born in Beetle > BethleHEM = Betelgeuse conjunct Capra/HAM,
Dec 25 = the Sun at 3°
Capricorn). The rising from the dead, resurrection, rebirth is 2000
years ago or so (the Age of Aries, which is associated with Easter).
The current events are linked to the Black Sea Deluge and what happened then is history repeated
12800 years ago >>
7000 - 7800 years ago >>
1700 > 2400 years ago, with 2000 years ago being the midpoint).
city of Alexandria has been under water for the past 7000 years, like
many other cities that are submerged, but ''dated'' to c. 2600 or so
years ago. The current sea and ocean level was reached 3000 years ago.
From all old sources, the global sea level rise ended at Orion's belt.
That is c. 6000 year ago.Noah and the dove = 9th era, Columba Constellation, which is conjunct Orion.
Ptolemy XIII Theos Philopater reportedly drowned on 13 January 47 BC.
Freyr drowned during the first stage of Black Sea Deluge, which started with an extreme earthquake. The soil liquified and the entire sea bed sank by 30 meters.
That explains some anomalies that are linked to 30 meters in the Black Sea. The global sea levels rose by 120 meters since the Last Glacial Maximum. Ballard and his team found settlements at 150 meters
under the Black Sea. 30 meters MORE than it should have been.
Furthermore, 30 meters depth is also the limit for life. And then, all
maps are blurred precisely where the waters are shallow - (less than 120
meters). WHY?
History repeats, but in this case, I think the events are linked to what happened 7kya or so.
All names are astrological codes, including Caesare > Siriu, Asare/Sare. Viking Aesir = Sirius conjunct Aries 0.