Adam is c 2300 years old.
Adam is c 2300 years old.
Allow about 1 degree of precession on each side of 33 degrees. But the estimate is 2300 - 2400 years old. :)
is linked to the garden of Eden - .Atena's garden. The name ''garden of Atena'', or ''the garden of Eden'' does not only indicate the location, but also the timeline - the Age of Aries. We know which one of the NINE maximum poassible - it is the last one, the 9th grand year, 9th Age of Aries, or the 9th Era of Aries.
The Age of Aries starts at its opposition to Ati/Spica and is about 24 degrees. Ati/Spica is currently at 24 Libra - which indicates when the 9th Age of Aries ended.
One degree of precession is 72 solar years (the normal years, the years we all use).
However, the most simple calculation is to use Betelgeuse and whenever Betelgeuse has an aspect to Aries 0, from any zodiac sign, it signals the new astrological age or era. This is what seems to be used to calculate the current era.
Atena's GARDEN (Atena Esh) represents the events that happened c 2.4kya when star SherATAN was conjunct Aries 0.
Star Mesarthim is currently at 3 Taurus. 33 degrees away from Aries 0.
Therefore Adam is about 2400 years old (star Mesarthim contains the name ADAM).
Mesarthim = Mes RA ATAMA, the birth of RA Atama. It is a star in the constellation of Aries.
SherATAN represents Atena's presence in Egypt and Mesarthim represents the birth of Adam.
Those two stars are not a coincidence, they're within 1 degree of each other and their names encode very important historical events.
The garden of Atena is the garden of Eden - repreeented by star SherATAN.
Then Adam's presence and exile in the garden of Eden (Atena > Eden = the Age of Aries, and really the 9th one, because of the link to NOAH = NOUA, 9) = star Mesarthim.