Language and toponyms preserved in history for very long timespans
Language does not die easily. Unless the ENTIRE population is wiped out, the language carries on. This is the case with Egypt, where the old population was entirely wiped out. The language spoken now is not related at all to the ancient one. The genes of the ancient Egypt are European, along with the language spoken - a Romance language. Its closest relative is Romanian. English is close through plenty of words that no longer exist in Romanian (such as bee, hede > white, FRE > fair. It is FRE, not ''nefer'' or ''nafre'').
The same happened in Anatolia. Anatolia spoke Romance langauges (just like Egypt). We know this with absolute certainty and there is no dispute about this in linguistics (and even if they disputed this, it would not mean they were right).
Anatolia lost its Romance languages due to being invaded by a population completely unrelated. The old population was wiped out - it's the ONLY way that a language vanishes.
Similarly, toponyms are preserved. No one replaces them. Anatolia spoke Romance languages for a very long time before the population was wiped out. Most names come from the old languages spoken there before.
Sakarya River in Anatolia.
It is identical to Saka Ra > Saqqara....Just because some spell it in a disrespectful way, it does not mean everyone does. Egyptians spell Saka Ra. Rya is the Anatolian version of Ra/Re that Matria herself uses in her name - Mat + Rya/Ria.
Cappadocia means CAP(at) DACIA. The end of Dacia. That region was part of Dacia at a point and the name is preserved.
Kahramanmarash ..Caraiman Muresh.
Ta Marea Esh was Egypt's name, it became Ta Muresh....River Muresh in Romania.
Originally, it was Matria Esh. It became Marea esh, then something close to Maresh (Maris is the recorded name for River Muresh, apparently dated to c 2400ya or even more).
And all the foods and names come from the old civilisation. that is why ''sarma'' is wide spread all across Europe - it is a traditional European dish. It existed with absolute certainty 40kya (memories).
PAT ATAN became Phaeton. Cancer conjunct Aries 0, or the Age of Cancer. The last one, the 8th Age of Cancer, or PAT HAT was between c 7000 years ago to c 10kya.
Hera ATAN became Heraten and the Romanian verb ''hirotoni'' or ''hirotonisi'' (to appoint someone as priest). Taurus conjunct Aries 0, or the Age of Taurus (the last one, number 8, was between 6kya to c 4kya)