Patra, the rock, fourth, father and the origin of most from Terra
All Germanic populations use TEN (or variations) for 10.
ATEN = 10. If Aten (Aries) = 10, then Cancer = 1.
Which is their origin.
RagnaROK = Reign of ROK = Cancer. The ''flood''. the ''deluge''. The Black Sea Deluge, as Germanic populations originate around the Black Sea area.
Astrology is history encoded in symbols. It recorded it, in order to observe patterns.
Patra = the 4th zodiac sign is Cancer, ROK, RAC, RICK
Patra =piatra (rock in Romanian) which preserves the symbolism of Peter (Patra, ROK,RAC) being the rock (RAC, ROCK- English preserves this one, too, but it loses the connection to PATRA Peter and CREA PATRA) ..
Crea Patra = the creation of FOUR, the birth of FOUR = CANCER.
Most worship Ayahe, the moon. They have a moon calendar.
The Moon rules RAC/ROCK/ PATRA/ the fourth sign. it means the father and ORIGIN in astrology.
However their calendars start under 6000 years ago. AFTER the age of Gemini 9.
Their calendars start with 9 Taurus. Taurus is ruled by VEnus = An KA (not ANKH), in energy. The symbol of Life. VENus (VANir, heaVAN = Matria Esh = Atena Esh = Eden).
That is when they, ruled by Zeus, gifted Europe with their ''loving'' presence (sarcasm).
They ''came to life'' during the 9th Age of Taurus (Bellatrix plus 1. exactly when the Age of Gemini, of Deata, of Light, was over).
Jesus was ressurected during the 9th Age of Aries/Aten (which was about 2400 years ago, not 2000 years ...and the birth was 12800 years ago, not 2000 years ago).
Ayahe = moon in Egyptian. The Moon is Eses. She rules Cancer (RAC, Ragna ROK - the flood).
In Egyptian, Rac/Rok/Rock/ Rick is NIAT PAT ..
Mistransliterated as NUT = night, notte, nuit, noapte, etc etc.
Nut = the night sky. PAT is omitted, but it should be included.
because NIAT PAT explains PTAH as Cancer. Pat he or He Pat > Ptah (Freyr, Frederick which is Freyr > Fre de rick/rock/rac)
Niatpat > noapte (the closest language to Egyptian).
All myths indicate the origin of most population is Cancer ..4 (Patra, Pat, Niatpat, Ptah, etc).
NOAH covers the flood = the origin.
NOAH = 9th grand year = 9th era. It started with Bellatrix plus 17 (Crea PATRA, St Peter) = 7000 years ago.
And that is precisely when reptiles appear in art. See Vinca and Mesopotamia. Mostly snakes.