Astrology and toponyms

Egypt was Ta Marea Esh (originally Matria Esh, Matria's garden, although this links it to the place of origin - Ardeal) and its original name, Ra Deata > Ra Dea or Ra  Dia (to radiate, to emanate, both linked to Matria, Deata), Atena Esh (the garden of Eden) and Ka Mat (the energy of Mat).

Mat is Matria, Gemini and Virgo. 

Atena rules Aries - star SherATAN is clearly in the constellation of Aries and contains the name Aten (the same as Odin and Satan- the son of Aten).

However, Herodotus (not an accurate source) indicates that Egypt was founded by MINA. Ra manat is Orion, Light. Ra manat > Ra mana > Mina (when Ra was erased or inverted to ar/er/etc in all languages) The same evidence was found in Egypt. Matria definitely founded Egypt - Egypt had her name. Even the current Arabic version for Egypt, Masr, derives from Mas/Mes - the birth of + Ra, shoertened to R.

Canaan seems to be Ka Anan, the energy of Anan (Scorpio) 

Sirius (Asare/Sare, Aesir, Osiris) became Syria. 

Russia seems linked to Sirius, too, as it comes from Ra  + sa, the same as Sa  + Ra/Re/Ria - the children of Ra.  ''Sa'' became ''son'' and ''the Sun'' in English.

Ra manat (Light eternal) became Ramana, the Roman Empire. Romania. The name of the Romanov dynasty is definitely linked to Ramanat. 

Ramanat > Ramana > lumina in Romanian (Light). This would be Orion (Gemini)

Anat Ria > Anatolia - and here we have evidence of a male cult and symbols linked to Jesus - the cult appeared then, as the age 33.6 years (grand years) and Beetle Ham (the ''location'') indicate  an event 12800 years ago or so. The beginning was 33 Anat (Aquarius). 

Sassi di Matera, Italy indicates 6th era of Matria (Gemini or VIrgo - less likely). That is 3 grand years ago! 

Sarmisegetusa indicates star Syrma conjunct Sagittarius. That was c 21kya to 23kya! Although I have yet to see a reference to the grand year associated with it. 


The city of Petra indicates the Age of Cancer. Which one? The last one was c7kya to c 10kya. 

The cave of Maltravieso, Spain,  contains the name Matria in a slightly altered form. Matria became Maltra. It contains a cave painting that was dated 64,000 years ago - age of Virgo Matria. 64,000  minus 2 grand years x 25772 years is c 12.4 or 12.5kya, or Virgo Matria HAT, Virgo Matria 8th era. The cave paiting was made in the 6th era of Virgo Matria. For Matria Esh,, like 12-12.8kya, Aquarius was on the ECAT, thus Ra Anat (which became Uranus, the co-ruler of Aquarius) or Anat Ra (which became ''nature'' and also Anatolia). 

Malta and Meteora, Greece indicate Matria's name, too.  

The name Rothenburg is derived from Ra Atena (plus ''burg'', city).

The names definitely indicate an astrological era and most likely when they were founded, not necessary as cities, but as settlements. 

Some cities use heraldic symbols that indicate the 7th era. 

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