Precession and star names have been in use for 9 grand years. C 212k years of recorded history.
Precession and star names have been in use for 9 grand years, or great years.
That is c 212k years of recorded history.
But where is it recorded?
In myths (from Mat = Truth). However, one must examine the accuracy of myths and compare the data with other myths with similar themes, to avoid errors in decoding or past tampering of the data (not necessary with the intention of fraud, even if that is also the case. Sometimes people do not understand the need for accurate history and might not recall events as they were told.
The symbols for 9th grand year are everywhere, but most fail to recognise them.
A lot of symbolism is mostly around Matria Esh (Matria's garden, in this case, planet) and its over 33 grand years of recorded history.
A grand year or a great year is 25772 solar years.
How to recognise the codes and decode the symbols.
Not all stories are recorded history. But myths, particularly important ones, contain history within.
For instance, Zeus turning into a SWAN - that is the Cygnus constellation. It is conjunct Aquarius. It means the age of Cygnus and it might signal events that did not happen on Terra, but on a planet where Cygnus is on the ecliptic (it's not on Terra's ecliptic).
Someone having a carriage pulled by 8 swans? That is the 8th era of Cygnus.
Zeus turning into a bull signifies the Age of Taurus (and it's the last grand year, Anno Mundi 1).
Saka Matria, Mat Hat turning into Hat Hera (Sekhmet or Mehit turning into Hathor) indicates the 8th era, when the Age of Orion ended and the age of Taurus started.
the four horses of Apocalypse indicate 4th grand year, Sagittarius. The symbol appears in Lascaux cave, the horse panel. The symbol for ESH, garden also appears, along with the symbol of PAT (sky, rainy sky). By this I mean the identical Egyptian hieroglyphs.
Horses and Egyptian hieroglyphs Lascaux Cave, France.
The calculation could be either to the ECAT (the handbag symbol) of Matria Esh or Terra's ECAT.
Matria Esh' Ecat is Virgo 3.
Terra's Ecat is Aries 0.
These are permanent degrees, they are aligned to the Spring Equinox point.
Precession does not affect the zodiac this way. The zodiac is like the frame of a watch or a clock.
The stars are the ''tongues'' of the watch or the clock. Stars move across the zodiac and this is how historical records for extremely long periods of time could be easily made.
In many cases, we have astrology included in names.
Bethlehem is originally Beetle HAM,
Betelgeuse conjunct Capricorn 3 (the degree).
Star conjunct zodiac sign.
For more info see Astrology and toponyms