Numbers in art and myths
17 rhinos = 17th era of Monoceros. Originally it was the RHINO. Currently changed to the Unicorn (nd on the ecliptic of Matria Esh). And since there are only 9 eras here and the paintings far predate the current era, which started circa 7kya or 7.5kya (variations, read below why). So, 17th era of Monoceros for Matria Esh. Not for Terra, which only has 9 eras.
Second Coming = 2nd era (a grand return, a grand year of25772 years)
4 Horses = 4th era of Sagittarius.
For short, the number indicates which era a certain event happened.
The legend of St Ana Lake, Romania mentions 8 swans = Cygnus, conjunct Anat Ra or Ra Anat (thus the name of the lake, Anat > Ana) , conjunct Aquarius. For short, it mentions the time the lake formed and HOW.
Santa riding 9 reindeer = a cult that appeared in the 9th era.
Jesus associated with a lamb = Aries.
But the name implies Djed SUS = Orion on MC (either Gemini or Capricorn, because both represent important events).
Numbers usually represent the era when something happened.
They might also represent the days/degrees of precession.
Asare's 42 body parts = 42 days = 42 degrees of precession. From Sirius (Asare is Sirius)..
although 7 more degrees are added before Sirius. (42 in total, reaching Ras Elas Australis, Leo)