Hidden astrology in icons with Matria and Djed SUS

The code specifically states VIRGO MATRIA holding the baby Djed SUS. 

Virgo Matria's MC is Gemini. 

If Virgo = 1st zodiac sign, then the 10th sign is Gemini.

Deata > Djed, the MC for Virgo Matria or Matria Esh. 

SUS= Orion on the MC for Virgo Matria = Gemini.

When did this aspect start? Circa 2kya. 

Chart courtesy of astro.com 

This is the accurate chart, with the time of ''birth'' and the location. The code is complex. 

Betelgeuse  0°57'31" Gemini (the MC for Virgo, the 10th zodiac sign from Virgo)

Bellatrix  23° 9'37" Taurus

Sirius  16°39'26" Gemini 

For comparison, the timeline when Betelguese was conjunct Capricorn 3, c 12800 years ago. This chart does not have accurate data entered, it is only when Betelgeuse was conjunct Capricorn 3. One degree of precession is c 72 years. I chose a location in Anatolia, where we have clear evidence of the cult emerging c 12kya.

Chart courtesy of astro.com 

if you wonder why do I use the name Matria instead of what is used here -I use the correct name. The name that respects Truth, Light. 

If you change 1+1 to any answer but the correct one, it is a false, wrong statement. It is the same with names. Matria is the true, correct name. Any other variant of the name is a false one .


I also prefer to use the original names that I reconstructed or transliterated from hieroglyphs. Matria. Deata > Djed SUS. 


And now if you look up Dendera zodiac, you will find that Virgo Matria holds a baby in her lap. She is sitting on her throne, which has feline legs. Statues like this appear in Egypt and are presented as something else (it is intentional, I assure you).

THe cult existed in Egypt. 

The aspect (Virgo MATRIA holding baby Jesus in her arms, therefore Djed SUS for Virgo Matria happened around 2kya. The constellation is extended to 10 degrees, not just the 8 between Bellatrix and Betelgeuse (one degree before Bellatrix and one after Betelgeuse). 

We can see evidence of this in various calculations, including the beginning of the current era, when Betelgeuse was at 1 Gemini, within 2 degrees from the exact conjunction to Virgo 3.

 Betelgeuse is already conjunct the Summer Solstice point, Cancer 0, even if it is 1 degree away from it. In astrology, this is an applying aspect and many consider it the most powerful (the separating aspect is usually dismissed). 

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