Sare > Sol > Soul, Sare MAT > Soulmate.The BLACK Sea Deluge, greatest darkness is the answer

 Sare/Asare/ Aesir/ Sirius/ Osiris

Sa = son (or daughter) 

Re = Light. 

Sa Re means daughters or sons of Ra  - a woman, Matria. The name contains RIA (Ra, Re), even in the botched variants found on Terra - Marea (the old version), Maria, Mary, etc.

The word ''soulmate'' comes from Sare> Sol > Soul +  Mate (Matria, Mat).  Sare is Sirius, the last star of the first zodiac sign (and the first of the grand year) and Mat is Matria (Orion, Deata, 10, the Ruler).

Immense darkness is linked to the Black Sea Deluge (BSDe). Egyptians spoke about it in Sapat Api. The correct transliteration is Sapat Api, not Zep Tepi. It means dug by waters, which fits perfectly the myth, unlike First Occasion, which is absolute rubbish.

It is SP TP = SaP aT aPi ...not ZeP TePi ...S, not Z. the letters used clearly indicate, when transliterated correctly, that it is SAPAT API (it is Romanian btw, like its grammar, entire structures. Egyptians were Saka > Saxons and daci > deutch, dutch, therefore entirely Germanic populations, which is why many English words can be found in the language, too).

 The Greeks viewed the Black Sea as the gates of hell. The area around it is the area where aggressive males appear, along with their cult - all male statues from Anatolia and the entire area around the Black Sea. 


Sirius conjunct Aries 0 - that is the approx timeline when BSDe happened. In fact, it started a few degrees of precession earlier. 

BSDe started when Bellatrix was conjunct Pisces 3 (opposite Virgo 3) and it was about couples breaking up forever (death of old relationships, which had been viewed as soulmates). Pisces = DC, relationships for Matria Esh. 

it started with a massive earthquake. it was preceded, according to some myths, by 40 days of rain = 40 degrees of precession,. That would be circa 3000 years of rain.

The myth of Phaeton indicates extreme heat, which accelerated the melting of the ice formed during LGM. Phaeton = PAT (Cancer) on Aton (Odin, Aries 0). Cancer conjunct ECAT (Aries 0). For short, the Age of Cancer.

The key is in the name.


Freya Freya Freya Freya Freya (five times the symbol FRE) 


Matria (the sitting figure no one else transliterated) 

And then unify all myths through the names:

Freya and Freyr 

Atiati and Ati (viking Od/Odr, Ati of Palermo Stone, who is followed in the list by Satesh)

Atena and Aten (viking Odin). 

Sare/Asare is left out.

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