OCTOber, 8th month or 10th month of the year and what does it really indicate?

 OCTOber is important, that is where Ati - Spica is. The symbol appears in the 40k year European script. Due to precession, Ati/Spica will exit its association with OCTOber.

Atiati is one of Matria's names, a dual plural that indicates grains and agriculture.  Other examples of Egyptian dual plurals - Mat MAT > Mathematics and te re te re > territory.

If OCTOber is the 8th month, as its name indicates, then Pisces is the 1st. Not only is it the current astrological age (9 Pisces), but it is also where Orion was when the Black Sea Deluge happened (Bellatrix on Pisces 3), c 7.8kya. The current era is linked to that. That is why CaeSARE and Crea PAtra - age of Cancer, the Black Sea Deluge, the ''creation'' are placed 2kya, even if these events happened over 7kya.

If OCTOber is the 10th month, then Capricorn is the 1st. (the MC from MC). That was where Orion was when the current darkness started.

Again, October is the calendar link to the Black Sea Deluge (during the Age of Cancer) and 12.8kya , Pisces and Capricorn, where Orion was c 7.8kya and 12.8kya.

Everything we see in Anatolia and the area around the Black Sea is linked to the ''birth'' of Jesus. The king of the dead -  the king of Aesir, Sirius (Cancer),  the LAMB - Aries.

The month of October is currently associated with the zodiac signs of Virgo and Libra. Ati/Spica is at 24 Libra now - the degree changes every 72 years.

Why is Libra so important? Libra 0 is the Fall Equinox point, 180 degrees from the ECAT = Aries 0. This is a permanent point, unlike star degrees which change due to precession.

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