Troy, Atrei (the Living ones), 3, The Tree of Life, Orion, Deata
The city of Troy, the Atrei (the Living ones in Egyptian, mistransliterated as NTR or Netdjer) is the same as 3 (three, drei, trei, etc etc) and the Tree of Life that Odin rides. Deata, Matria, Orion. The third zodiac sign, the equivalent of Gemini for Terra.
For the record, the hieroglyphs for what is mistransliterated as NTR at AT + Ri. There is no N. The same for ''nefer'. There is no N. The correct transliteration is FRE and since we know the name, it is Freya.
Aten is Odin and also Satan (sa Aten, the son of Aten, meaning the astrological age of Aries). They have the same function as Ares, the god of war. Aries is between (opposition of Ati/Spica) and + circa 24 degrees.
The Trojan Horse is the Unicorn, Monoceros - originally the rhino in cave art. I suspect this is the horse Odin rides, because it is close to the 3rd zodiac sign. Neoptolem or Neoptolemus is depicted riding the same horse, which has seven markings. They denote the 7th grand year. Odin and Neoptolemus seem to be the same character under different names.
The name itself, Neoptolem or Neoptolemus, indicates Patra/Patre (pto+le) conjunct Mat (M/mus).
Photo: Neoptolem, Neoptolemus riding the Trojan Horse. It has 7 markings. Photo Guus Houtzager,
The Trojan War lasted 10 years - that is 10 grand years. Odin spent 9 grand years hanging in the Tree = 3 of Life (Orion), the 3rd zodiac sign from Aries (Odin and Terra's ECAT).
There are 9 grand years for Terra.
Prince Paris is Patre, Peter. The name is made of Pat (Cancer) + Re, similar to Mat + Ria. Both seem to have lost their T particle, therefore they became Pare > Paris and Marea, which became either Mary or Maria.
Another important element to observe - Monoceros (the Unicorn - the Trojan Horse, formerly the rhino) and Orion (Deata, Mat, Matria) are NOT on Terra's ecliptic. But they are depicted among the 12 zodiac constellations for Matria Esh at Dendera.
The Trojan Horse is the Unicorn and it appears as such in heraldry. Sagittarius is represented by a horse (a centaur in fact) with an arrow. But this is clearly on Terra's ecliptic.
The myths do mix the timelines at times (or so it seems, more research needs to be done), but this particular case indicates that they do not mix ecliptics. Even if they are shown intersecting above the crowns of Terra, all under the cross - Deata, Orion.
Deata, the Goddess, the MC for Matria Esh. Mistransliterated as ''Duat''. The realm of the Living One. Thus the Tree of Life (the third zodiac sign for Terra, Orion, which corresponds to Gemini) Different ecliptics, different constellations.
Deata is the third zodiac sign from Aries, which is why 3 (trei, three, drei, etc etc) became ''a trai'', ''Atrei'', "'the Living"', and the ''Tree of Life''. Orion corresponds to Gemini for Terra.